Author's Note.

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Hello! Welcome to GLG.

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Happy endings were never meant for some people.

It's a fact, only some lucky people get their happy ending, that magical, destined, beautiful happy ending that the rest of us get jealous of.

Totally and unbelievably jealous of, because we know that nothing like that would ever happen to us. That glass slipper sliding onto our feet, that kiss that saves our lives, and that couple of hours with the person we truly love. No. There is no frogs that turn into princes, no beast that changes into man, and certainly no happily ever after.

It's just that they weren't meant to be for some people.

Including me.

Because my Prince Charming is a girl; a blonde haired, blue eyes, pillowy lips, beautiful voice, kind heart, hopeful dreams and is captain of the cheer team. But the only problem is that she doesn't bat for the same team I do.

I'm homosexual or more formally known as gay.

And no matter what, I'm going to get that happy ending, even the truth comes out, my best friend never talks to me again and my parent kick me out onto the cold curb.

I'm going to get my happy ever after, Just you wait.

-RC. Xx

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