Lucky Lady Barn

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I stared at my new home. This is my seven foster home in five years and I'm only fifteen going onto sixteen in a few days. I got out of MRs. Belle's van and followed her up to the house. She knocked on the door and a man with brown hair and brown openes came out. Howdy. He said. Hi. Mr. Stable this here is August Leah Lion. MRs. Belle said my name. Ah well August my name is Henry twin Stable. He said as a woman came into view. OH hi MRs. Belle and you must be August. MY name is Katerina Swan Stable. She said. Hi. I said. she smiled. Well I'll go get her stuff. MRs. Belle said. I'll help. Henry said walking after her. DO you have any kids? I asked. I have one of my own and two others that were adopted three and two years ago. There all fifteen. She said. I nodded as I spotted a kid with brown straight hair and green eyes. That's my daughter Alexis. Katerina said. I smiled and Alexis walked up to me. HI. MY name's Alexis Swan Stable. She said. August Leah Lion. I said. She smiled as Henry and MRs.Belle came backw ith my two suit cases. I didn't own a lot of stuff besides clothes, a phone, a computer and a few books and pictures. A boy and girl came into the room. The bo had short blonde hair and green eyes while he girl had long red hair and brown eyes. That's Alexander and Kat. Henry said. I nodded. Well I got to go but I'll be checking in next month. MRs. Belle said. Bye. I said and she walked away. Why don't I show you around. Alexis said pulling me into the house. She showed me the kitchen, living room, bathroom, three bedrooms, another bathroom, my room, and a library about horses. She already showed me my room. Then she showed me around the ranch outside. They had five horses, three chicken, two cows, one donkey, one mule, three pregnant cats, four pregnant dogs and five kittens. I picked up a black and gray kitten. That's Smokey. Alexis said. Smokey scratched me and I put her down. I realized there was a kitten the color of Butterscotch ooking at me. I picked him up and he purred. YOu can have him since no one adopted him. Henry said coming into the barn. Thanks. I said setting him down to let him play with his brothers and sisters.

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