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I've been here for one year now and I'm already sick of it. ALl's we do here is take care of the animals and all the animals gave birth and were sold. That's when I found out Henry was just using me and was now sending me back to the foster unit. MRs.elle walked up to me. Ready to go to your new home? She asked. What? I asked. The Cullen's decided to adopt you. She said. Ok. I said and got into her van. It's going to take an hour to get there. She said. Ok just let me pack my stuff. I said and went up to my room and packed my stuff and packed Butterscotch's stuff. That's what I named my kitten who was no longer a kitten. I picked up my suit cases and grabbed Butterscotch. I carried the stuff and Butterscotch to the van and got in without saying goodbye. Mrs.Belle got in next to me and started driving. An hour later we were in front of sa huge house. I got out while Butterscotch hissed and struggled to get away from me. Easy boy. I said as eight people came out. They were all pale and had golden eyes. That's freaky. I thought. Mrs. Belle. A man with blode hair said. Carlisle. MRs.Belle said. Carlisle and everyone turned to look at me. Hi. I'm August Leah Lion. I said. I'm Carlisle and this is my wife Esme and are kids Edward, Bella, Rosalie, Emmett, ALice, and Jasper. Renesmee's inside. Carlisle said. Renesmee? I asked thinking at the sametime what a weird name that was. Carlisle nodded. Bella's and my daughter. Edward said. Oh. I said. What's her name? a little girl asked coming out of the house. August. I said. Renesmee. She said. She had light brown hair and brown eyes and pale skin like the rest of them. I realized Mrs. Belle left. I felt lonely. Butterscotch struggled even more. Butterscotch! I yelled as he scratched me and I dropped him. He ran off. I ran after him. Butter! I yelled picking him up. I flicked his nose and he stopped struggling. I led him back to the house to see Emmett holding my two suit cases. SO yo ulike cats. Edward said. I love cats and I love animals besided bears, spiders and creepy snakes. I said shivering. Edward chuckled and led us inside. I set down Butterscotch an he followed me as they showed me around. IT was huge. There was a kitchen that looked like igt was never used because it was so clean and the house was very clean and I didn't see any dust or dirt. ALice showed me my bedroom which was huge and had a jewelry room and indoor swimming pool and a cat room. Butterscotch was in the cat room rubbing against a cat bed. He laid down in it and closed his eyes. I can't believe we have to live with a cat and human. I heard Edward mutter. ME either but it will be fun. Bella whispered. I turned around confused on what they were talking about. DId you hear that? Edward asked me. I nodded. Oh boy. Bella said. I picked up Butterscotch and took my stuff from Emmett and went downstairs and out the door. They ran after me so I started running but I ran into something huge. I was a huge russet brown wolf. Holly crap! I yelled and stood up. IT ran behind bushes and came back as a tan man with short black hair and brown eyes. YOu must be August. He said. I nodded once. Where are you going? He asked. I'm leaving because Bella and Edward doesn't want to live with me. I said trying to get around him but he kept blocking me. I punched him in the face and he fell hard on his bum. I ran from him as far as I could.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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