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After a mission, the Bat family found out that one of the prisoners of Arkham Asylum has escaped prison and headed for a different city, Miami, Florida. Batman/ Bruce decided that Jason, Dick, Tim, Damian, and Alfred would go to Florida and he would stay in Gotham to control it.
After a few days the boys and Alfred went to Florida.
" Which prisoner escaped Arkham Asylum?", Jason started.
" Who do you think?", said Dick.
" I don't know, that's why I'm asking?!!!", shouted Jason.
" Would you two shut up already we are almost there and it has been quiet and peaceful until Todd spoke up!!", Damian argued.
" Don't blame me for asking a simple question!!", Jason shouted irritated.
"*sighs* " Alfred and Tim not surprised by their arguing.

Time skip( after the private jet lands)

After the jet landed Alfred drove the boys to the penthouse Bruce bought for vacations, and settled in.
" What the hell Todd!!!", Damian shouted as Jason threw an apple at him.
" I SWE.....", Damian was cut off by Alfred.
" Master Bruce is on the phone.", Alfred announced as he put the phone on speaker.
"I have a surprise.....", Bruce said in a half happy and unsure voice.

Jason Todd x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt