First Day Part 2

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I was walking to my class after giving some papers to another teacher, when I heard someone shout my name from a few halls away. I was confused at first at the thought of someone looking for me but then I thought, I know someone that would shout my name no matter if we were in school or a restaurant. So I started walking through the halls forgetting that I had to go to my class.
As I reached the hall that I heard the shout I heard voices arguing. But as I reached the corner they heard me and stopped to look at me. At first I was surprised then I felt scared.
"Sam it's about time you get here I was wondering where you were.", Memphis told me as she walk in my direction.
"I heard a shout so I followed it.", I said back in kind of a shy voice because I felt other eyes on me.
"Your kidding right, that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You can't just follow a voice if you don't even know who was shouting.", she said ranting.
"OMG are you kidding me you just called her, if she wouldn't have you would have gotten upset so stop scolding her for something you did.", Katherine said facing Memphis.
"Ok guys stop fighting. What did you need me for?",I said trying to change the subject.
"Oh yeah I almost forgot we need you to help show these new students around since your a freshman and might not know all around the school but you know enough so you can help show them around. You in?", Memphis said with pleading eyes. Until Katherine interrupted.
"She's lying. We told her to help us show the new students around but she said she would only help if you did, so...", she said not entirely finishing her sentence.
"Yeah sure why not. But I have to go to Mrs. Granda's class to tell her.", I said.
"Ok we will go so she will believe you.", Ana said walking with me while everyone was behind her.
"I think Mrs. Granda would believe her. I mean she never lies.", Memphis said.
"Yes but she also knows that we make do stuff with us.",  Katherine said.
"That's true.", Memphis said in agreement.
"Ok, we are here.", Ana said. As she goes to nock on the door. She opens it and peeks in.
"Hey Mrs. Granda."she said.
"Oh hey Ana, how are you? Did you need something?"Mrs. Granda asked.
"Yea, we just came here to ask if it was ok for Sammy to help show the new kids around?"
"Sure, yea that's ok. But for how long?"
"Um, probably the week but she will sometimes make it here to class."
"Ok awesome, well good luck with the new kids guys."
"Thank you."
"We'll see you later miss." Memphis said as everyone was walking away.
"Bye M." She said back.

"Ok well, now that that is covered let's show everyone around." Sammy suggested.
"Yay." Memphis said sarcastically.
"You are so rude M." Ana said while smacking her in the back of the head.
"You asked for it!", Ana shot back.


"Ok let's show these guys around, we have wasted enough time already.", Katherine said.

"Since there are two people from each grade well make groups. How about that?", Ana suggested.

"Ok so who is a third year?", Memphis asked.

"That would be me.", Jason answered.

"Ok who is a second year?", Katherine asked.

"Right here.", Tim answered.

"Ok so we pretty much know what to do now right?", Ana asked.

"Yea, pretty much. But are we getting paid for this by any chance?", Memphis said.

"No Memphis we are not getting paid.", Ana said while putting a hand on her face.

"Oh boo.", She said with a frown.

"Alright, can I see your schedule?", Katherine asked Tim.

"Sure here you go.", Tim said while handing her his schedule.

"Oh wow we have almost all the same classes.", She told him while handing him his schedule back.

"We can go to Taco Bell after school if you guys are not busy.", Memphis suggested.

"Sure why not, we have nothing better to do.", Tim said for all of them.

"But we have to call our place to make sure it's ok.", Grayson said.

"Ok, yea that's fine.", Ana said with a smile.

"But we can't take to long I have soccer practice at 6:30 and I take long to get ready.", Memphis said.

"Oh and who has P.E. for first period?", She asked with excitement in her voice.

"I think everyone here has P.E. for first period.", Ana said.

"Well I have had P.E. for first period since 6th grade so I just want to make sure I'm not alone again like last year. My only friend were the coaches.", Memphis retorted with fake sadness in her voice.

"Tim and I have first period P.E. but we don't have the same coach.", Katherine said.

"Well we share the same field so...", She said sarcastically.

"We can go to P.E. until they know where to go." Ana said.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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