First Day

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Sorry I had to put the pictures on the page it wouldn't let me put more than one on the top

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Sorry I had to put the pictures on the page it wouldn't let me put more than one on the top. This is a pretty long chapter though.👍 By the way the outside of the school is Ferguson high school and the inside is just something I found on the Internet.

Jason's P.O.V
So after Bruce told us that we were going to school we had this big argument and we obviously lost the argument. So we have to start school tomorrow which is Monday. I can't believe this, how dare Bruce do this, school is not that important to us we have more important things to do!!!!!!!!

Narrator's P.O.V
It was night time in Florida and the boys were still up, but not doing what they usually do. They aren't in the shadows of the night hunting criminals, they are eating, watching TV, and arguing. Dick is eating, Jason is watching TV, and Damian and Tim are arguing of course.

" Drake, if I were you I would run because I will kill right here!!!!!", Damian shouted.

" You can't kill me even if you tried, demon spawn!", Tim shouted back.

" I know you all are not used too school days, but you have too wake up early and go to school tomorrow. So I would at least try to get sleep. It will be your first time around so many people at once.", Alfred suggested.

" Whatever.", Damian said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

" Well I'm off to bed guys, see you in hell.", Jason said.

After that everyone went to bed.

TimeSkip ( to school in the morning)

It's the first day of school and the boys have the week to be shown around.

At the office

Ana's P.O.V.

After walking to the main office I went to Principal Madina's office and she told me we will have four new students. She told me that I have to show them all around, but that might be a little difficult considering they are all in different grades.

After a few minutes of waiting in the front office the new students came to the front desk and asked for their schedule.
"Hey.", I said trying to catch their attention.They all looked at the same time which was kind of creepy but cute.
"Who are you?", the shortest one of the four asked which was pretty annoying and disrespectful.
"I was assigned to show you guys around by the principal.", I said proudly.
"Well it is very nice to meet such a beautiful woman.", the second tallest one said to me which got me really annoyed that he thinks I would fall for his trap.
"Oh wait, I still don't know your names.", I asked them, I mean I know their names ,principal Madina told me but I don't know which ones which.
"I'm Richard Grayson.", the guy who flirted with me earlier said.
"I'm Damian Wayne.", The disrespectful one said.
"I'm Tim Drake.", the third tallest one said.
"And I'm Jason Todd the best one of us.", The tallest one said proudly which reminded me of someone.
"Well my name is Ana, I will be showing you guys around this week, but you might see some people here that are not your favorite but just deal with and tell me if you see something your not supposed to.", I told them.
"Ok, so show me your schedules and we can start going to your classes.", I said as we started to walk out of the office and in to the hallway. Until we heard people running in the hallway which is by the way something that will earn you a detention.
"Hurry up we are going to get caught.", One of the runners said. Which I automatically new who it was.
"Oh, shut up I'm right behind you.", the other person said which I also recognize.
As they turned to the corner so they were facing us, they immediately saw me and stopped.
"Oh hey Ana we were just walking by." The blond one said nervously.
"You guys know your not supposed to be running in the halls?", I said as I was walking toward them.
"We weren't running we were jogging. Come on if I was running you wouldn't have caught me.", She laughed.
"Did you get stuck showing the new kids around Ana?", The other one said in a kind of monotone voice.
"Yea.", I sighed.
"Ha ha ha ha!!", the blond one said as she was walking toward us.
" Memphis, that wasn't funny.", the girl with the monotone voice said.
"Well, Katherine I can laugh at what ever I want.", Memphis said.
"Whatever.", Katherine sighed and looked over to me.
"Do you need help to show them around?" She asked.
"Actually, yes I might need a little bit of help.", I said not wanting to admit it.
"Ok, Memphis lets help her show them around." She said to a very confused and upset Memphis.
"What! I didn't agree to anything! I'm not doing anything." She said angrily.
"If you don't I will make sure you don't make it to any of the sports in school.", Katherine said with a smirk on her face because She knew she had to say yes.
"Ugh, whatever fine I'll help, only if Sammy helps too.", she said.
"Ok whatever but we need to call her and tell her.", I said a little unsure because Sammy gets nervous around people.
"Alright I got this.", Memphis said before she shouted.
"OMG why would you do that!!!", Katherine said annoyed.
"Because I can." Memphis said like it wasn't a big deal.

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