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©2016, TOPIXAL

All rights reserved.

Story under editions


Blythe alone in the world, surrounded by luxurious items including her father who thinks he can buy her forgiveness after marrying soon after her mother died. And his new wife Julia who she instantly calls a gold digger since Julia accepts every gift her father gives, refusing to get to know Julia, her stepmother. When their ladies only road trip turns into a heated argument Blythe is resulted in hitchhiking all the way to Phoenix where she is enrolled in freshman year of college. A mysterious man in a light blue Chevy gladly takes her to her destination and questions rise in the amount of time alone. Like where was he going before he agreed to the long journey? Should she have gotten in the truck with the stranger? Or will the sixteen-hour drive change her outlook on life? Maybe even kill her.

This story was a figment of my imagination. Any stories with similar plot lines I didn't mean to steal or copy your ideas. I thought of this while going to the restroom. Also, some of the characters partially depict a person in my real life. I also publish this book all together like Netflix shows because I didn't want you waiting weekly for a new chapter. I hope that is alright.


There are also Mature themes. Including, Self-harm, Suicide, homicide, Sexual intercourse, rape and alcohol, and drug use. Please do not read if you're are triggered easily by these topics. I just want you to know you're not alone and you can talk to me in my messages if you want to talk about these topics. I won't judge you and I will keep it confidential.

Please enjoy. Blythe.

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