As I walk into the school, I hear Christmas songs everywhere! Jingle bells on my left, Frosty the Snowman on my right. It's... annoying. Eventually, the chorus gets to me. I am the best singer in chorus. They were singing around me. I break and sing my solo in jingle bells. everyone stops and stares. I shyly stop and run to my locker, blushing.
When I get to my locker, I am covered with random crap that is shoved in it. I put most of the stuff in my bag. I take out my stuff for science and run to homeroom. I walk in just as the first bell rings. Two minutes after the bell rings, my friend, Nicole, walks in. "You're late.'' The teacher, Ms.Pius,(Pronounced, Pie-us) says with an annoyed tone of voice.
"I wasn't late... YOU WERE ALL EARLY!" I laugh as she sits in the seat next to me, her long black hair swishing me in the face. My hair is too short.
"Let's take attendance, shall we? Corey," "here" "Dawn" Here." Nicole?" "Here." three minutes later, the attendance is over and the bell rings. Everyone runs out of class, hoping to be early for class so they can choose their seat. I walk all the way across the hall, make a turn, then go down another hallway. I am finally at science class, when the bell rings. I run to an open seat and throw my stuff into my desk.
"Hello class!" Mrs.Strike, the science teacher says gleefully. ''Meehh." The whole class answers. Mrs. Strike rolls her eyes, as she begins to talk about our chemistry lab.
"We are supposed to NOT spill the chemicals Corey." I state. "NO really?" He asks sarcastically. I raise my hand for the teacher to come over. "Yes?' She answers. "I hate to alarm you..." I begin" But SOMEBODY" I emphasize somebody by staring at Corey. "Has spilled the chemicals." She cleans it up with special napkins.
After science, I'm supposed to go to math. As I walk in the door my math teacher, Mr. Manchester, Startles me by hiding behind then door and screaming, "HO HO HO!! ITS CHRISTMAS!" "OH GOD MAD SANTA!" I scream. He laughs. So do I.
I take a seat and class begins. We start talking about integers until an announcement came on the intercom. It was from Mr.G. Our Principal. "This is a reminder, all chorus and band members meet in the band room on sunday at 7:00pm. And tickets for the christmas dance are on sale during lunch they cost five dollars each. The dance is tonight. Thank you."
"ok. Now lets talk about negatives. Like if I pull out Dawnables' chair." I scream quietly as he pulls my chair out from the desk and into the middle of the room. "And pull out three of her bells from her headband," He takes my headband and tries to pull the bells off. "HA I super glued them on this morning." I laugh as he looks at me strangely. "Let's just say I did." He says. "She would have negative three bells on her headband." He throws it across the room and I run to it, Putting it back on my head, and taking my seat, once again.
After math, I dropped my stuff of at social studies, and headed down to the lunch room. Where I bought my ticket and sat down next to my crazy friend Rylee. "Rylee! Guess what?" "What?" She screams in my face. "You are invited to be in my minecraft Christmas video!" "YYYAAAAAAYYYY!!!!" She starts to do the happy/spaz dance. I laugh. After Social studies, it is the last class of the day, Literature.
We talk about Characteristics of the characters in our books that we're reading for self sellected reading. (SSR) The bell finally rings and we all run through the door, trying to get out. I am the first out and run to my locker, beating the stampede of eighth graders that come through the sixth grade hallway. I hidebefind my locker as they come
I run to my bus and sat next to Grace and Stephanie. It is time to get ready for my christmas special, and the dance.
The Light
Misterio / SuspensoDawn has a vision of a light. as it grows, she hears it whisper her name.