Chapter Twenty-Two: Part Two

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Please listen to dramatic happy/depressing music for this chapter please

Narrator's POV
Sirens hummed quietly in the background of the night air, while the roaring sounds of the flames of the Big-hit Entertainment building pierced through as the symphony. As ash and debris trickled to the ground, small flakes fell onto Clara Coast's unmoving face. She lie away from the building, in a location that the blast had ricocheted her to.

In my eyes, her body glowed black - the color of death - amongst the grey ash. Yet, her heart shone a bright red, a color unique to the living - the color of life. Her body had glowed black the moment her family's car crashed, and back then, her heart didn't emanate anything. Now, as she lay on the soil of South Korea, with the love of her true half, she was alive again. I had collected a soul from her many times. When her family died, when she was put into the orphanage to suffer loneliness of unimaginable lengths, when Jehung Yuen died... at each of these point, she had died, and I had collected a dead being, yet now, even though her body was finally truly dying, and I could physically take her last breath from her... I could not find the darkness inside of me. Even though that is all I am - I couldn't take the last shred of light from the being that had grown so close to me.

Instead, I felt a great deal of pity. I had stolen Clara's light more times than I had taken it from anyone else, and now here she lay in front of me, about to completely lose it when she was just gaining it back. It wasn't fair. For once the scales of death and life were not even. There was too much death on one side, and if I took one more life tonight, the order would be broken.

I reached out to touch the palened faced of the one true Goddess of Death. One day, when she finally lay for her endless rest, she would come to me, and I will make her a reaper like myself, but that day would not be today - and so, may she take this life I give to her, and live to the fullest until I need her.

Clara drew in a sharp, sudden, and painful breath. Her lungs and throat were burning from the smoke's heat. She coughed grievously, pushing herself onto her side so that she wouldn't choke on the black saliva and the blood that swelled from the basin of her lungs. The liquid clung to her bottom lip as she looked around. Fire was spread out as far as she could see, and the building she was just in standing as a tall burning beacon. The top stories completely obliterated from her grenades mixing with the building's gas line, which she had purposefully open.

But at the same time, she had purposefully pulled the pins of the grenades too... She knew she had.

She remembered getting off the elevator, thinking of her family, then running to the maintenance hatch on the top floor and opening the buildings gas line. After that, she only had to talk to Y for a few minutes before she pulled the pin on the grenades and ran for the window.

She knew she should be dead. She knew that the top floor was at least forty stories up and from the force of the blow and gravity, her death was unavoidable. Yet she lay on the ground sweating and bleeding, yet still breathing.

She looked down at her left hand. The ring was still there. She drew in a relieved breath, realizing that everything was real and not a weird dream. She released the breath, as tears began to fall from her eyes. Her right hand gripped the cloth on her chest as her entire being shook. For the first time in seven years, Clara Coast felt human. She felt pain, she felt joy, she felt sadness, but most of all; she felt  love.

The muscle inside her ribcage was pushing more than just blood to the tips of her fingers and toes this time. It was pushing a soul back into the hollow vessel.

Clara let out a shout of agony.

She was experience that same pain that a woman giving birth and the child experienced, the sense of a soul entering a being. Only for Clara, there was no split between two people, all of the pain was inflicted on her in one moment. Yet in this one moment, there was no more black glow. There was no more darkness. Only a glow of red in her heart, and glow of blue on her body - the color of strength.

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