Back to School

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It was the first of September and it was time to go back to school. I had my two way mirror Uncle Remus gave me for my birthday. It was so that we could communicate with aren't writing. Ginny, Hermione and I made sure all our stuff was backed last night.

As Fred and George levitated their trunks down the stairs. They nearly hit Ginny and Mrs Weasley yell at them. Waking Sirius's mother portrait and she was yelling insults. The station was only down the read so we were going to walk there.

But some of the order were joining us for the trip. Moody and Tonks were coming as guards for Harry. Uncle Remus was coming as well as to see me off.

Once everyone was ready we went outside. I saw Tonks disguised as an old lady and I tried not to giggle. When Harry thought she was the pretty blonde walking passed us.

We walked down the street as a group. Mr Weasley and Moody walked either side of Harry. Tonks lead the group with the twins and Ginny. I walked with me Uncle and watched Padfoot (Sirius as a dog) chase a few birds. I wasn't the only one entertained by this Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Harry were too.

Moody and Uncle Remus gave him a pointed look. He wasn't suppose to come, because Dumbledore said so. Of course he didn't listen and so far no trouble.

When we got to the station we went through the barrier in pairs. I went with my Uncle and Harry went with Moody. We said our goodbyes and got onto the train.

Someone bumped into me and a note was placed into my hand. I turned and saw Draco walking into a compartment with Blaise. The note said 'it is not safe for your dog'. I released that the deatheaters know about Sirius being an animagus.

I wrote a note and gave it to Jean. She flew to my Uncle who read the note. He looked to me and nodded then told Moody. They left the station with the others straight away by apperating.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I entered the compartment Harry and his friends were in. I saw Luna reading the Quibbler and introduced her to the other three. They all said hello and then we were silent for the rest of the journey.

(few hours later)

We just arrived at Hogsmeade station and we got of the train. Draco then made fun of Harry about Azkaban. Ron held him back as I punched Draco in the face. He stumbled and glared at us before leaving with his gang.

The others gave me compliments on the punch as we got onto a carriage. Harry was staring at the thestral at the front of the carriage. I laughed when Luna told him "you aren't going mad. We can see them to, you're just as sane as I am".

I nodded at what she said and told Harry I could see them too. This made him relax and he hoped into the carriage. On the way Neville told us about the new plant his Gran got him, for his birthday.

After the sorting ceremony Dumbledore introduced Hagrid's relief teacher and the new defense teacher. Who was an ugly pink toad from the Ministry, by the name Dolores Umbridge. He was about to continue his speech when she interrupted him with a 'hem hem'.

She gave this lame speech about refinement and prohibited things. Hermione and I knew it meant that the Ministry was trying to interfere at Hogwarts. Hermione told Ron and Harry want the toad meant by want she said.

We went back to our dorms after the feast and the password happen to be the name of Neville's plant. Ginny and I went to our room to change into our pj's. As I was about to  to sleep there was a burst of fire near and letter appeared. All it said was that Professor Dumbledore needed to see, the password and to wear my brothers cloak.

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