Picture Story.

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There's a theory that's been going around for a long time now, called the multiverse theory. The theory states that there are countless numbers of universes that are alternate from the one you live in. Today, let's talk about a very specific universe.

This universe is almost identical to the one you're in right now. The only difference is this: every word you say is etched into your skin forever, like a tattoo. People in this world are very careful in what they say. You can find politicians with fancy gilded lies written all over them. People in prisons with obscenities scrawled crudely on their arms. In this world, it's almost impossible to keep secrets, because everything you've ever said is there for everyone to look at. Many people have gone insane and cut off their own limbs in attempts to hide their secrets. It's a very difficult world to live in.

There is a very special boy that lives in this world. He is fourteen years old and he is special because he doesn't have a single word anywhere on his body. You see, this boy has been mute since the day he was born. There's no medical reason why he doesn't talk, the doctors told his father that he just wasn't ready. Fourteen years later, he still hasn't said a word. His name is Adam.

People don't like Adam much because he doesn't talk. They think that he's rude, or that he's hiding something. He gets bullied at school. The teachers pile on extra assignments and give him detention for not answering them. The students think that there's something wrong with him and call him names.

Adam tried to be nice to everyone in his own way, smiling at everyone, no matter how mean they were to him. He thought that if he was nice to them, they'd be nice to him in return. Eventually, Adam no longer smiled. He became sad and depressed. He stayed in his room all day and refused to go to school.

One day, Adam decided he was going to change his life for himself. He packed a bag and went downstairs. When he got to the door, his mother asked him where he was going. He turned to her, smiled, and spoke out loud for the first time in his life.

"I want to be free."

He then left his house, never to return. As he walked down the street toward a new chapter in his life, he looked down at the words written elegantly on his wrist, and he knew that he was going to fulfill that wish.

There's a world out there somewhere similar to ours, where every word you say is inscribed into your skin. If you lived in this world, would you be more careful of what you say?

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