Chapter 13

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                           Luke's POV
                        4 months later
I got up completely naked. I looked to see who was beside me. It wasn't Gabi, it was the opposite. Kaylee. I realized I was drunk last night. I said "F*ck." Under my breath. I had sex with Gabi's best friend. I got my clothes on. Kaylee said "Luke what happened." "Look at you body." "No no no did we have sex last night?" "Yeah we did." She sighed of relief. "I took my baby pills last night." "But still what the f*ck were we thinking?" I walked out the door. Kian, Kaylee's dad came up to me. "Aren't you Gabi's boyfriend?" I nodded. "The why the h*ll did you have sex with my daughter also Gabi BEST friend? Man you really f*cked up didn't you?" "In my defense I was drunk." He looked so mad. "Then you can call Gabi and tell her what happened." "No please don't make me she will be heartbroken. Please I will tell her in a minute." "Ok fine but if I were you never do that again, dumb*ss." I said "Yes sir." I walked out the door. I saw my car. I got in and drove to Gabi's house. I knocked on the door. Gabi came to the door. She got one good look at me and dragged me upstairs. I went in first then she shut the door. I was facing the wall. Then I just broke into tears. I fell on her bed. I said "Gabi we are over it's not you it's me and it will always be me." She said "Is this because of Jacob again?" "No Gabi. I cheated on you." She started balling."Why Luke? With who?" "Kaylee" "You didn't please tell me this is a dream." "Gabi we were drunk and had sex." "SHUT THE H*ll UP I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE YOU THIS IS LITERALLY MY FAULT!" "No no Gabi it's not." She ran into her bathroom. I ran to the door. Locked, Sh*tttt, I thought. I banged on the door "Gabi open up!" She was crying. I busted down the door. She sat there blood all over her arm, blade in hand, and blade in chest. "GABI YOU DIDNT!" I picked her up. Put her in my car and sped to the hospital.
                    30 minutes later
"Her body shut down, Luke she's in a coma." I broke down. "This is all my f*ckin fault!" I ran into her room. I opened the door. She was pale as ever.
                         3 weeks later
Today is the day they are taking her off. I went in her room and sat beside her bed. I said "Gabi, when I first laid eyes on you I was in love. I didn't care what you looked like. You are so cute and I love you I should have been the one to get in a coma. Your are one of the strongest girls I know. F*ck it you are the strongest girl I know. I should have f*cking asked you to marry me not cheat on you. I love you with all my heart. I hate Kaylee. You are my one and only. Our love keeps me alive. Your love is my drug. (Haha am I the only one who loves that song?) You are my everything if you died I would jump off a cliff. Like no kidding. Don't leave me." I looked at her one last time and kissed her pale lips.
                       Gabi's POV
I felt a pair of lips on mine. I felt it was time to wake up. I opened my eyes the best I could and kissed back. I know he hurt me but he was drunk. I will give him two more strikes then we are over. He pulled away. "Doctor she is alive." The doctor came in. He smiled and said "Good morning Mrs. Gabi." "Good morning." I said "Luke are we over for because I forgive you." "No we aren't over." "Good cause that would suck." He laughed. I said "How long have I been out an hour, a day, a week?" "Try a week times three." "Three weeks?!" "Yeah three weeks." I probably looked so ratchet like even Dans hair in 2011 was like "Daymmm, you ratchet." Luke said "Your breath smells like death." I frowned and said "Well yours smells sexy but I have been out for lets see 3 weeks so don't even." I giggled. He smiled. I said to the doctor "I want to go home and see my baby." "Oh so you have a child?" "Yes." "He or she?" "He." "Name?" "Ashton." "That's cute." "Yeah." "Your boyfriend here talked my ear off and told me why you tried to commit suicide. Don't try again for your kid ok? He needs you so do many more people. Stay strong ok?" "Yes sir." He unhooked my cords and let me go. Luke drove me home. I said "Can we go to your apartment?" "Tomorrow." "Ok. Can you stay here?" "Yes." We walked inside. My mom and dad were taking care of Ash. I said "Hey I'm home." Mom and dad got up and said "I'm so happy your alive." "Me too."

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