Pranks :3

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Being with Kisuke Urahara for so many years, you became accustomed to his pranks and weird experiments. About around Valentines day is when the pranks between the two of you start.

"Please Please Please!!!!???" You stood in front of Yoruichi asking for a little help pranking Kisuke. "You know him better than I do and plus you are a great distraction."

~A Time Skip Brought To You By Benihime~

The plan was in place. You sat down on the floor waiting for Yoruichi to start her part of the prank.

"Miss F/N, would you like me to make you some tea while you wait?" Tessai asked as he saw you waiting for so long.

"If that is no trouble, please." You became a bit parched while placing thhe objects, since you had to climb everywhere since you are quite short.

(If you are actually tall enough to reach the top of the door or cabinet, congratulations you earned a cookie... Author cries thinking about being taller than 5 feet... But if you are tall use your imagination to make you small.)

Tessai nodded and walked over to the stove and started to boil water for the tea. As you finished your tea you glanced at your watch 14:45 (2:45 PM) "Yoruichi hurry up, I've been waiting for two hours now." You muttered under your breath. Just as you said that, you heard the two voices you've been waiting for, Yoruichi and Kisuke.

Kisuke was the first one to walk through the door; Yoruichi sidestepped to get away from the contents of the prank. He opened the door and the bucket fell on his head, the water fell with it. When the bucket fell on his head he stepped forward he tripped the wire and the bag of flour fell strait on him.

You were laughing your ass off as well as Yoruichi. "You see... that Yoruichi... it worked." You said in between your giggle fit. You then realized to response from Kisuke, he would usually chuckle at your pranks, but nothing this time.

"Kisuke? Mr. Urahara? Baby?" Kisuke wouldn't respond to you after you just finished pranking him. "Its just a bit of flour and water."

You stand there horrified, thinking you broke your boyfriend. You pushed Kisuke away from the door and ran.

"He didn't even chuckle at first or anything, I'm humiliated." You mumbled to yourself. Time went by and you soon feel asleep under the bloomed cherry blossom trees.

~To Kisuke~

Kisuke glanced at the clock 17:36 (5:36 PM) "She's been gone for awhile, I should go check on her." He thought.

~Back to you~

Your zanpakuto woke you up with a start. "You can't go falling asleep in random places, F/N." He/She said.

"Yeah, yeah, Z/N."(Z/N= Zanpakuto name.) That's when you heard the sound of a hollow, but this wasn't any hollow, it was the one who's been eating the souls in Karakura Town recently, it has been causing a great disturbance in the Soul Society.

You stood and unsheathed Z/N as the hollow came into view. Its wretched smelling breath, dark and empty eyes, the mask that every hollow wears, the characteristics were all there.

"Soul Reaper?" The hollow asked.

"Maybe... What do you think you are doing here, terrorizing the innocent souls here in Karakura Town?"

"Scream, Z/N" You released your zanpakuto into its shikai state. You stood your ground and then quick stepped above the hollow. You then came down on the hollow, but it soon caught your leg in its tangled hair, it then threw you against the nearby tree.

Air left your lungs as your back slammed against the tree. "Puny soul reaper, didn't even put up a fight." The hollow approached you in an attempt to eat you. This made you quite upset as you stood and quick stepped to the other side of the field in which you were.

"I will not fall to the hands of a small hollow like you." You lifted your Zanpakuto to slice into the hollow's mask, but he caught you in its hair again, this time not letting you go.

"How about I just rip you apart instead? The agonizing pain of being ripped apart limb by limb. How does that sound to you, soul reaper?" The hollow spoke the words as if it wasn't his first time saying them.

He then plunged one if his few spines into your thigh, agonizing pain ripping through your body, not one scream or whimper left your mouth. "Not gonna make a noise? You had enough to say earlier, why not scream while you can still hear your voice, since you love it so much?" Another spine entered your body, this time on you left shoulder. A small whimper left your body.

"Benihime." That voice, the voice of a savoir. The hollow disappeared as it was now free of its despair and pain. You soon fell, not landing on the hard ground, but into someone's arms.

"Kisuke, why are you here? I thought you were mad at me." You asked as he tended to your wounds.

"It was part of my plan to have you run off like this..." He chuckled and ran his hand through the hair on the back of his head. "You see F/N, I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but I just couldn't do it."

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a black velvet box. Your eyes fell upon the box and your heart stopped. "F/N, you are the love of my life and I wish to spend the rest of whatever time we have left in our lifespan together. He paused and a smirk was present on his lips. "And as you know I love you a lot and I want you to know this..." You couldn't believe what he was saying, Kisuke was proposing to you.

"F/N, I love you and this is what I want to ask of you..." Your heart stopped. "Please can you come up with better pranks than what you came up with earlier?" He then fell into a full on laugh as he saw your face.

Horror struck you as you heard the request he made. You thought he was gonna ask will you marry me or something along those lines. Tears fell as you turned away from him.

"Awe, F/N, don't cry." Yoruichi popped out of one of the cherry blossom trees.

"Yeah, F/N." Here came Ichigo and his friends.

"Alright F/N, turn around and face Mr. Urahara again." There's Jinta.

You did as told and there was Kisuke, hat off, on one knee, and the black box was opened. There was a gorgeous, but simple diamond ring. "Alright let's do this right. I know I'm quite an ass sometimes, but F/N, I seriously fell for you and I do want to live the rest of my life with you and your really bad pranks, so will you do me the honor and become my Mrs. Urahara?" Now there were tears of happiness streaming down your face.

You nodded your head. "Yes, yes Kisuke!" He placed the ring on your finger. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands, your waist, and you two shared a kiss. Wolf whistles and cheers could be heard among the crowd that was hiding.

~A Few Days Later~

"Kisuke, was my prank really that bad?" You asked. Kisuke sweat dropped, there is some explaining to do.

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