Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in the VT world. Billy was running away from Maddie-friend, Sally was with Slender, Papa Acachalla was blowing things up, Gertrude was assisting. Sue was dying from a 2 inch drop fall. Maxwell was robbing banks, Aimee was fantasizing about Ghost, Prince Fang was plotting in the 13th dimension. Toilet Toucher was touching toilets, Cardboard Friend was haunting houses, looking for 'Gregory'. Gavin was making illegal money as usual. Toast was out drinking. It seemed like life for Ghost was just fine. Nothing too major was going on. But, all that was about to change, when Ghost was emailed a video by an anonymous person....One that will turn his life upside down. And not in a good way.

Curious, but still slightly concerned, about the video, he paused and stared at his screen. After a few moments of debating on what to do, he opened the video, unaware of what would happen.

The video was titled, "Raspy Hill" made by a famous YouTuber Markiplier. Ghost stares at the screen as the beginning of the video starts. Being skeptical of the mysterious link, he examines every detail he can see, trying to find out why he was sent the video. But once it gets to the middle/end of the video.. he begins to become more confused and slightly scared. The darkened face in the video held sheer evil. As if this "Markiplier" had an alter ego. Or an evil twin. Rest assured, it couldn't be real, right? No, it can't be. There's no way that could happen. Or... could it?

Not sure, Ghost decided to investigate more. Starting with trying to contact or find a way to contact this "Markiplier," or anyone who could. Or even just anyone who knew anything about this supposed 'alter ego'. Ghost's partner then showed up. "Hello, sir!" Toast said, happy the day went well for him. Deep in his investigation by this point, Ghost, startled by the 'sudden' intrusion, jumped and fell out of his chair, bringing his laptop down with him. "Sir!! Are you alright!?" Toast asked, kneeling down beside his partner. "Ugh..." sitting up and rubbing his head, Ghost nodded. "Yeah..."

Then, in a moment of realization, Ghost picked up his laptop and frantically checked it for damage. Luckily, there was none. "What were you looking at, sir?" Toast asked. "Uhhh..." pretending to be distracted by looking over his computer, "Nothing much.. some dumb videos on youtube or something, I don't know...." He continues to stare at his laptop, praying Toast won't ask anymore questions, though he knows Toast could solve this mystery in a matter of minutes. Ghost wants to solve this on his own. Without the Brit outshining him once more. "Alright, sir." Toast said as he got up. Ghost nodded, still messing with his laptop. Toast then went off.

After he left, Ghost saw something at the corner of his eye. Something moving. Out of instinct, he looked at the said object. But the thing was gone. Or was it a person? Was it the alter ego..?


No! Such things don't exist, we've gone over this before. But we didn't really come to a conclusion... only because your can't have a conclusion about something that doesn't exist! True... but.. No buts!! Ghost shook his head and looked back to his laptop, trying to ignore what he thinks he saw. "I'm arguing with my self about whether or not these things exist... it almost seems like..." He shook his head again and bent forward, resting his head on his laptop. Toast walked in. "Sir, dinner is ready." He said. "Are you alright?" He asked. Ghost looked up at Toast with a serious, almost cold, expression on his face, "This is going to sound weird, but... have I ever been... not.. me..?" Toast, startled by the question and stare, answered his question anyway. "Well, a few times you would show an obsession with knives."
"Knives..? Huh..." He looked down at his laptop, deep in thought
"Why do you ask, sir?"
"... why knives?? I don't even like knives. Guns are much better."
"I don't know, sir. Let's just eat, alright?"
"... Yeah, sure.. food sounds good.." Ghost gets up and puts his laptop down. Toast nodded and went to the kitchen. Ghost, for a split second, felt like someone was watching him, causing him to tense, his stomach dropping. After the feeling left, however, he jumped up and ran downstairs. Toast was setting the table when he arrived. Ghost quickly sat down and started eating, hoping to distract himself from what had and may still be happening. Toast sat down and ate as well, deciding not to question his boss.

Ghost's mind drifted back to the video. Many questions formed. Who sent it? Why did they? Was it some sick joke? Or something much more terrible? Does this 'Markiplier' person actually have an alter ego? Or was it to scare his audience? Upon thinking about the questions, Ghost's eating slowed and he was staring blankly at his plate. Toast finished up and looked at his boss. "Sir? Are you alright?"
"Hm?" Ghost looks over to Toast.
"Are you alright?"
"As far as I know. Why?"
"You seem distracted."
"Eh.. just tired..."
"Mm..." Ghost nods and manages to fake a yawn.

I'm just taking what we've done so far, and I have NO idea where this story is headed, so there may be parts skipped or censored, if things get... weird... but I doubt they will.
Since I'm taking down what we've done in the form or a rolepay, let me know if you think I need to fix some things. Is things seem choppy or unfinished or anything, let me know. (Those spots are probably where there was a change in the writer)

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