Chapter 3

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She stood there, looking at the books and reading the descriptions on the back. She was lost in the world of books, not paying attention to her surroundings one bit.

Leticia took a deep breath and walked up to the white haired girl before her and Ciel.

"Are you.. Akemi?" Leticia asked, hoping she said her name correctly.

"Depends on who's asking." she said looking up from her book and into Leticia's one, red eye. "Yes,I'm Akemi. Did I do something wrong? If I did, I'm sorry."

"No, you did nothing of the sort. That Natsu boy said there was a girl named Akemi here at this school and looked exactly like me. I just wanted to see if it was true." she took off her eye patch and opened her right eye slowly. "He also said you had a green eye but on the opposite side of mine."

Akemi looked very shocked as she stared at Leticia's different colored eyes. Leticia felt uncomfortable and looked away from embarrassment. "Sorry to bother you."

Leticia put her eye patch back on and turned away to leave, walking closer to Ciel to see him cooly leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, head down and his visible eye closed.

"W-wait!" Akemi called out.

Leticia stopped and turned to look at her and even Ciel snapped his head up to look.

"What's your name?"

"I'm terribly sorry for being quite rude. My name is Leticia. Leticia Nightray." She fully introduced herself.

"Nightray? From the famous, worldwide Nightray house hold last name? You're the daughter? I've always wanted to meet you." Akemi looked at Leticia in disbelief.

"Are you sure you don't mean my brother or my father?" she asked and raised a brow.

Akemi shook her head, "Everyone is always telling me I look like the Nightray's youngest and only daughter for the longest time. The only difference between us were our hair color and our eyes. Her right: green and her left: red. Mine was just the opposite. I didn't know if it was true and never really cared, but now that I've seen that it is, I can't believe it." Akemi explained.

Leticia was left speechless and she couldn't utter one word. Her mouth was opened but no words had been spoken.

"Everyone keeps spreading these rumors and saying the daughter of the Nightray house hold is my twin sister or just my sister. I asked my mom if I had a sister but she told me I didn't so I believed her. I ignored all the rumors and continued with my life. Now, seeing you here is making me mom actually... Lied."

"I don't have a sister and nor do I ever intend on having one. Twin sister, sister, or whatever. My father wouldn't tell me everything but he would tell me I had a sister. Believe what your mother said and keep ignoring those rumors because you aren't my sister!" Leticia's eyes widened in shock.

Her sudden outburst made multiple eyes stop and stare. Even the librarian wanted to know what was happening.

Ciel and Akemi were both very taken aback by her denial of having a sister.

Ciel placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back slightly. "Calm down Leticia. She wasn't jumping t-"

Before Ciel could finish, Leticia pushed him away and ran out of the library with her heart beating rapidly and she felt as if her heart would jump out her chest at any moment.

Ciel had nearly lost his balance but was able to stay on his feet.

Akemi had stood there, too shocked to move an inch and speechless. Her heart was beating just as rapidly as Leticia's.

Now all eyes were on her and she was the center of attention.

"I'm sorry about that," Ciel apologized and ran off after Leticia.

"It's fine.." she whispered quietly, stupidly thinking he heard her. "I'm.. sorry for that.."

She turned to the librarian and bowed.

The librarian nodded and everyone went back to what they were doing, everyone pondering and thinking about the events that had just occurred before them.

Akemi gulped down a breath and put the library book back in its original spot. Shakily, she walked out of the library, hoping nothing had ever happened and wishing she hadn't said anything.

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