Chapter 12: A Stronger Word for 'Donkey Poop'

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Chapter 12: A Stronger Word for 'Donkey Poop'

[RE-CAP: I have been absolutely TERRIBLE this whole year and I am truly, so sorry. But I'll leave my inexcusable apology for my A/N. Susanna is doing much better after her parents sprung the 'adoption' news on her. Kim and Aiden seem to still be recovering from Aiden kissing Kim on the cheek but he's also back to being his joyful self. Susanna is dancing a lot more. Kim/Berly has also snapped at Aiden (aka the twat) again but he seems to find it cute and their friendship remains strong :) ]

"So, Berly. I've been wondering," Aiden frowns at me as I read the descriptions in my notebook. "You've written all of these paragraphs about people, and given them all nicknames, but, do you think there's anything we can do about it?"

We're sitting at beneath the oak tree, no surprise there. I give him a quizzical look. "What do you mean Twat?" Since I've been calling him a twat lately, it's kind of stuck. And he is pretty attractive, like Twan, the Viner—when Vine was still alive his loops were probably due to girls watching him shirtless over and over again.

And that's another thing. Lately I've been finding Aiden increasingly attractive every day. Yesterday I noticed that he has a really straight nose. Last week sometime I noticed that he kind of has arm muscles, which also feel pretty nice when he hugs me. And today I seem to be noticing his lips. They're slim but not in an almost non-existent kind of way, in a they-stretch-into-a-perfect-arch when he smiles kind of way. And they look so soft and kind of...dare I say it?


And there it is. Proof that what has been happening since he kissed me on the cheek two weeks ago, is bad. Really bad. I mean, noticing his attractiveness? Hugging him more often—everyday actually—?

And now this.

When did the word 'kissable' begin to exist in my thoughts?

This is not right.

Not good.

I'm a nerd!

I'm not supposed to feel these things!

I'm supposed to be thinking about the war at Gondor and my impending maths homework! Not arm muscles and lips!

"Berly?" Aiden asks, concern etched on his face and in his voice. "What's wrong? You look kind of panicked all of a sudden."

I gape at him, my breathing hitches slightly because I am panicking. "I'm a nerd, Aiden!" I exclaim as I stand up and step away from where he's sitting on the grass. "A nerd! Probably one of the biggest you'll ever come across. Like, ever."

I run my hands through my hair and then cover my mouth with them. When did I start using 'like' as a conjunction?

He raises his eyebrows and hesitates before saying, "Is that a bad thing?"

I nod rapidly and then frown and shake my head.

Aiden hesitates again and tilts his head. "So, that's not a bad thing?" His voice is cautious and patient. Not to mention beautiful and worthy of being listened to for hours.

There it is again!

Stop it Kim!

I sigh. "It's not a bad thing, it's just that..." I trail off, not really knowing where I'm headed with this.

"You only realised it now and it's coming across as a shock to you?" Aiden smiles at me, still patient.

I glare at him. "I've always known that I'm a nerd, you twat. I just," I look at him, I mean really look at him and...his lips.... "Um, I need to go," I mutter as a blush begins to fill my cheeks.

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