Chapter 1

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Welcome to the first chapter of "Fire & Ice" ! On the gif is the muse for Veronika the gorgeous Alyssa Miller.I hope you guys enjoy it.I'd like to dedicate this chapter to the lovely HumB01 who inspired me to write this book.The chances of you reading are 0.00% but I gave it a shot.For the rest of you muffins ; thank you for giving this book a chance.

I smirked as the man in front of me kept squirming in pain , his eyes shut tightly and sweat forming on his forehead.

His body was covered by cuts and bruises – courtesy of Dante.

I raised my hand and Dante moved back allowing the man to slump back in his chair , taking a few panic filled breaths.

"Now , will you answer my question?" I asked , looking at him and noticing that his gaze was fully on Dante.Tauntingly I added "Oh,my men can go all day with this torturing , don't worry about that."

His eyes widen in fear and he opened his mouth to speak , but only coughed up more blood which spilled on the hard concrete floor.

"I didn't know what his plan was.I had no idea he was planning to attack you I swear to God." He pathetically said.

Fear was rolling off of him in waves and I loved it.I loved watching them squirm in fear and pain.I loved how terrified they were when I walked in the room.

I got up , my gaze still on him."Oh so you just took the job without asking?" I asked , "Do you really think I'm stupid enough to believe that?".Now I was angry.

"He goes by name Alfred , that is all I know – I .. I swear.Nothing else.Please don't kill me." He begged , tears filling his eyes.It was too late for begging.He betrayed me and would face death.

"I won't."

Relief washed over his features but only for a split second before I pulled my gun out and shot him in the head.

Blood poured from the wound and down his face , his beaten body slumped in the chair."Pathetic." I scoffed , "Niccolo , get rid of this body." I ordered and Niccolo just nodded his head.

I left the room with Dante following closely behind.He was my second in command and my best friend , only person I fully trusted.Our fathers used to work together and we spent our whole lives together.

Entering my office I threw my jacket onto the leather couch and proceeded to my desk.Sitting down I looked at the pile of paper on my desk.

I looked at Dante and he groaned , "Paperwork?Again?" and I just nodded.He acted like a brat sometimes but he was good at this job.

"Start working." I grumbled and leaned back.We were working for quite some time and my head was starting to hurt.

A soft knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts , "Come in." I called out.The door opened , revealing Nina , Niccolo's younger sister.

She was carrying a tray with two coffee mugs , "You guys were working for a long time so I thought some coffee would come in handy." She said her soft voice trembling , I just nodded.

She brought the tray forward and placed it on the table , the thud tray caused woke up Dante who fell asleep in the middle of our work.

"Morning princess." I sarcastically said and Dante just glared at me before thanking Nina , who was already at the door.Just as she left I heard a scream outside the office and quickly got up , Dante following.

Opening door I saw Piero , one of my men , all bloodied with a gunshot wound on his leg.Nina was helping him stand , her eyes widen in fear.

"What the hell happened?!"I growled out at Piero."The fucking Russians!We were checking our clubs when that second in command pshyco turned up with his gang.The fucker shot me." Piero growled out , groaning in pain.

I knew exactly who he was talking about.Viktor Ivanov.Veronika's second in command and her sidekick since forever.He was a pshyco but damn good at his job.

The wound was heavily bleeding and I sighed.

"Nina take him to Marco to get him fixed up." I ordered and she just frantically nodded.

By now I was shaking with anger!The damn Russians.What was their problem now?!How dare they attack my men at my club.

We got in a car that was parked in front of the house and quickly drove off.When we reached the club I was met with Stefano and couple of other men.

"What's the status?" I demanded , walking up to Stefano."No one was killed.Few of our men got shot and I sent them back to deliver the news and patch up." He answered and I nodded.

Walking inside the club it took all in me not to kill someone.Glass was shattered everywhere , chairs were turned upside down and there was blood on the walls and over the floor.

The women and men that worked here were being interrogated by my men."How the fuck did they get in?" I asked.

"Have no idea Boss.The guards were found unconscious and beat up." Stefano reported.Giving a firm nod I ordered my men to clean up and left with Dante.

It was time Veronika and I had a chat.


I smirked as Viktor and the others entered my office , Viktor's lips were curled up into a smile and I knew the job went well.

"Did you do as I asked?" I said and looked up , meeting Viktor's gaze."Yes Boss , I think the Italians got the message." Viktor said , smiling widely.

I nodded.Luciano thought he had it all - he thought he was the king of the world.Well he was wrong.

He always talked shit about us Russians and I was getting sick of it.Of course before I sent my men I warned them not to kill anyone because that would mean war and frankly I'm not up for that.

With a wave of my hand the men left my office , but Viktor didn't.He sat down on the chair and took his phone out to play some games.

I smiled.Viktor was like an older brother to me , we've known each other my whole lives so when I was given my title as the boss I knew he was gonna be my second in command.

Just as opened my mouth to talk to Viktor my phone rang.I picked up.


A cold , rough voice came through the phone that could only belong to one and only ; Luciano Acardi.

"Luciano." I answered , with a hint of amusement.

When Viktor heard the name he turned to me , smiling.Sometimes I feared he enjoyed drama a little too much.

"What kind of a sick game are you playing?If I recall you were the one who said there were no problems between us.Atleast not for now." Luciano said irritatingly , oh I was getting on his nerves.Good.

Of course I remembered , things were okay until he started thinking of himself as the king of the world.

"Things were okay before you started thinking you own the world.I had to do something to bring you down , idiots shouldn't be flying.But don't worry honey , everything is just alright between us." I said in a sickening sweet voice , taunting him.

I heard Luciano grunt and say "Great.Just checking , love.Bye."

"Bye." and with that the line went dead.

I put the phone down and avert my gaze towards Viktor , "Is he mad?" Viktor asked with a grin , obviously finding all of this highly amusing.

"Oh , he was more than mad." I answered.The game has begun.

Pheew!Here is the first chapter.Just a quick look into Luciano's and Veronika's lives and their relationship.Mafia is quite a new ground for me so I apologise if some things seem too soft etc I tried my best.Chapter 2 should be up soon!-Ajna


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