Chapter 4 - Oh, It's On

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I’m in a daze and exhausted even with the briefest of conversations with Tanya. 

My mind feels in a tailspin. 

I don’t know what I am doing, but I know I feel sorry for her. I don’t have it in me to fight her battles when seeing her made me realize I might not know who I am as well as I thought. 

I am angry and bitter at Tanya for what she did to me, but the fact she reached out has me wanting to let bygons be bygons. How can I be mad at her when she comes to me like that?


I shake my head at the thought, pulling out my phone as I do, and realize this is a reflexive maneuver whenever I don’t want to think as I begin to scroll through my contact list in search of a name I haven’t seen in awhile. 

My thumb glides over the touchscreen of my phone, fumbling with the alphabetical ordered list. 

I let out a grunt knowing this is not the best way to take my mind off things, but this is the only thing I know.

Let’s go with the N’s…

My thumb scrolls and quickly lands on Nadia Costa, and I offer a shrug to myself trying to gather the details to the name. I think I met her at a Fashion Week after party. If I remember correctly she was foreign. Instantly her thick accent comes to mind, and I smirk to myself thinking a spice in cultural flavor might be a nice change as I remember her Brazilian roots. I think we might have fooled around once or twice.

I round the the corner of the block as I press the call button, hoping she’s in town. 

I stroll past Lestat’s coffee shop, and as the ringing echoes in my ear I peer inside through the glass to see Josh’s sister leaning over the register, talking to young man. Still working, I see.

From this distance, and without my presence to intimidate her, I realize how stunning she looks when she’s relaxed. 

Her smile is sweeter, and even more innocent. It makes me wish I didn’t make her so nervous, though I can’t help but find her tense features all the more adorable, and only egg on any need to near her or rile her up. I wrinkle my own nose at the thought, mimicking the look as the memory of her glare flashes in my mind.

Finding myself in the secrecy of my open window gawking, I can’t help but examine her attire and find it nothing in comparison to, lets say, Tanya’s skin tight summer dress that I witnessed only moments ago. 

Skyler’s clothing is a bit lack luster, but it feels such an unfair thought as I notice my mouth still managing to water at the sight, and I don’t know why. Her navy blue tank top is plain, and so is her skinny jeans, but the way they cling to her lazily leaves room for my imagination, even if I can only see an inch of her stomach. The skin above the waistband is not stark white, but tanned like her other features. I question if it is because of beach outings, but after more scrutiny realize she has an athletic build. Her body doesn’t look frail, even from afar. 

Tanya always looks like she could snap like a twig. Skyler’s effortless movements have me mesmerized, and I wonder what the rest of her body looks like as I adjust my pants. Get a grip.

Surprising me, my feet halt themselves outside the window, and I cannot help but observe her. What am I doing?

The guy she continues to converse with looks about her her age, and he nonchalantly points to a bag of coffee grounds in front of him. Only too willing to help, Skyler walks around the counter to help with his selection, naive to be sure as she puts a bit of skip in her step to do it.

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