Becomes the Color (boyxboy)

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Everett pulled on his headphones over his ears, blasting his new song he had found from a movie he recently watched. "Lay my body down, down, down upon the water," he sung quietly to himself while grabbing his bags out of the spinny chair by his desk and headed out of the room nodding to the beat. "Siiigh," he thought, "another day gone by, and still nothing interesting in my life." He sighed again at that thought as he walked out of the building and shivered at sudden cold rush of air. He walked down the semi busy night street, blocking out all noises aside from his music playing in his head, walking in his own little world down the stairs to the subway. Everret looked around, not much people here this late, he dug out his phone out of his bag reading the time, 3AM, he groaned and sat down on a near bench, squiling a little at how cold it was and hugged himself. "I have to sit here for at least 45min. until the train gets here," he thought and slouched down realizing how tired he was, he blinked a few times looking around, "this is creepy," he thought.  "A cold night, it's 3AM, I'm all alone, IN A SUBWAY, I'm just setting my self up for a horror movie, murder scene!" He whimpered at the thought then his eyes flickered towards the stairs hearing someone coming down them, he watched quietly until a guy his age emerged into the light. The guy noticed Everret watching him, Everret quickly looked away and giggled to himself  for thinking it was some murderer, then he glanced back at him, the guy had dark brown hair reaching his shoulders almost, he was wearing a black coat and dark denim jeans, he had a slight tan color to his skin. Everret squinted to see his eye color, "damn." He pouted a little, "I can't see." He murmered. He sighed and leaned back not realizing that he fell asleep. ~I better not fall asleep, wait what's happening, there's shaking and ahh- SHIT~ Everret jumped awake, startling a few people around him, he looked around confused, he was on the train, "what the fu-.." he whispered to himself. He tried to ease himself and relaxed in his seat, "guess I fell asleep after getting on the train, I guess," he thought then a man came through some peole and sat down right beside Everett, except it wasn't just anyone.."It's THAT GUY!" Everret yelled in his head trying not to show any expressions on his face or look over again. " I knew I had fell asleep, then does that mean-...No. But why?" He thought staring off into space.  Before he could question the stranger by him the train stopped at their stop and Everret decided to just dash off and hurried home.

"Ahhh..," he set his stuff down and started undressing and walked into the bathroom and stared at him self in the mirror, "Hmmm," he checked his sides and back and everywhere he saw, "Well, if that guy did anything, he sure didn't leave any marks." He turned on his music and jumped into the shower, making it a quick shower, then he got out, he dryed off and wrapped his towel around his waist. Everret walked to his bed exhausted and fell on the bed, "Ahh..Maybe I don't need to get dressed tonight, I'm so tired, but why? AII I did was wake up, sit around, then go to work." Without another word in his head, he quickly dozed off.   

Dark, hazy, and strong smells of some insents that were lit, Everret blinked trying to see more clearly and went to sit up, only realizing his hands were cuffed to a bed frame, he had no shirt nor pants on. A soft tone, no, a song was starting to play, and a guy emerged from the other side of the room, Everret's eyes widen as he tryed to sit up more forcefully, but he couldn't all the way, now beginning to panic, he realized he had been drugged, feeling the heavyness of his own body. He glanced over, it was the guy on the subway walking towareds him, now getting on the bed, Everret watched him to see what he would do, checking if he had any weapons, he had none. He noticed how the stranger never took his eyes off his, staring at him intently as he inched closer, pushing Everret onto his back.  Without even a second more, the guy bit into Everret's neck hard, not to were it would tear but to a satisfying roughness, his nails dragged down Everret's chest, now inching down to the waist line of his boxers, he licked down his chest, slowing pulling down Everret's boxers. "Why am I not fighting back?" Everret thought as he inhaled deeply, only feeling the pleasure of the stranger's mouth. "He didn't look at me like he was going to hurt me, or empty, he looked as if.. He was looking at me like he knew me, and craved my body for a while, like he'd been waiting for me to notice." Everret's train of thought cracked. "Uhhnn.. " He let out soft moans and bit his tongue, finally giving in completely to the stranger, not being able to shake the thought of him giving a blow job anymore, he contined taking him in, and Everret began to get louder.

CRASH! Everret jumped up at the sound, looking around his room, then straight at Jigsw, his baby kitty who had just nocked down the lamp off his table. He sighed, then remebered his dream he was having and his eyes widened. "Holy, fucking, shit," he blushed, "why such a..erotic dream about someone I've never even talked to or even know." He shuddered at the thought of what he felt, felt so real, he got up and picked up the lamp, then realized he had never gotten dressed last night and passed out completly.

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