Christmas time for Team Free Will (Supernatural)

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It was Cas's first Christmas on earth as a human. He was still trying to get used to the customs of the human race such as showering every morning and eating every evening, so as you can imagine, Christmas was a bit of an overload on his senses.

"Why are they singing so loudly?" Castiel asked quizzically as he watched carol singers go by.

"You can take this one, Dean" laughed Sam, and continued to browse for 'the world's greatest pie' (according to Dean) to take to Bobby's for Christmas dinner.

"They are trying to spread some Christmas cheer." Dean explained "If you can believe that..." He added in a sarcastic tone.

"Huh" replied Castiel. He had picked up some of Dean's mannerisms over the years he had watched him, and was even starting to understand sarcasm."I don't feel any different though..." he mused.

Instead of replying, Dean just patted Cas on the back and laughed to himself. Cas may have been human a while now, but he still couldn't understand how emotions work.

They were all out doing some last minute Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve. It was snowing where they were staying, so as you can imagine, it was bitterly cold. Dean had given Cas his Christmas present early - it was a sock monkey hat to keep him warm. Cas knew nothing about fashion as the boys had often reminded him, but he actually liked the hat and wore it at every oppurtunity.

"What's that Dean?" Cas asked

"That's mistletoe." Dean replied looking at the guilty object hung over their heads.

"What is it for?" Castiel said, looking at it in a bemused fashion.

"People kiss under it." Said Dean, a smile growing on his face.

"Why?" Cas asked, still looking at it.

"Why not?" Dean laughed in response, before walking over to Sam to double check on what he was getting.

Sam looked down at what Dean was carrying in his hands.

"Really?" Sam questioned as he surveyed the bottle of eggnog and three bottles of whiskey that Dean had hold of.

"What? We always have eggnog, it's a family tradition, and you know what they say about traditions..." Dean smirked, and brushed past the irritated looking Sam to head towards the checkout.


By the time they got back to the motel room they were staying in, they were freezing, soaking wet and tired.

"Sammy, hit the lights would ya?" Dean yelled as he scarpered accross the room and into the kitchenette to put away the food and drink. So Sam kicked off his boots and hit the light switch, but nothing happened.

"Oh come on Sammy, it's not rocket science, how long does it take you to flip on a switch?" Said Dean, growing more aggrivated by the minute.

"Dean, it's not working!" Sam yelled back, his attempts growing increasingly frantic. "The electricity must be out!"

"You're kidding me right? Great! Does that mean that the heatings broke too?!" Dean asked worriedly.

"'Fraid so..." Sam replied, remembering why he hated this 'stinking holiday' ever since he could remember.

'Fine, Cas!" Dean yelled at a very cold and disheartened looking Cas, who had yet to move out of the doorway, "Would you grab the spare blanket from the linen closet over there?" Asked Dean as he gestured Cas in the right direction.

"It's not very big." Cas said as he pulled a small, square, beige blanket out of the closet and held it up for the boys to see.

"We will just have to make do then, won't we?" Dean replied dismissively.

Once Dean had finished unpacking the groceries, and Sam had given up trying to switch on everything electronic in the room, they both joined Cas on the sofa. They had to snuggle in close to get under the blanket. They sat there like that in silence for a while, just watching the snow fall outside the window, because no-one had shut the curtains and it was too cold to get out from under the blanket to go and do so. 

"Dean?" Cas said after a while, slightly nudging the sleepy man next to him.

"Yeah, Cas?" Dean lazily replied.

"I've decided, I like Christmas."

"Yeah? Me too, Cas. Me too." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2011 ⏰

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