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The night was dark, and very cold. At this time of night, nobody would be out on the street, not even a single soul. The King did issue out Punishments for any who dared to break the curfew, and everyone knew that the King was a brutal man, a bitter man. No one knew that better than Elaine.

But as she ran down the dark alley, a bundle in her arms, her fear of the King's devilish eyes and amused smirk were washed away. The wailing infant held closely to her chest drove her on, and she would press on for as long as she could, if it meant saving her child's life.

She ran for what seemed like hours, almost out of breath by the time she stopped at an empty and deserted warehouse. "I've made it this far..." The woman breathed heavily, looking down at her baby as she took a rest. The infant wasn't crying anymore, only giving off soft whimpers. Elaine chuckled, "Oh Marie.. You are simply beautiful."

She sat down on the dusty ground, leaning against the rusted wall and closing her eyes, "They're coming." She whispered, the whining sound of hover-boards coming closer and closer. Marie began to cry again, wailing and squirming in the blankets that were swaddled around her.

Elaine sighed and looked down once more, pushing a small strand of hair away from the baby's face, cooing at her and rocking her back and forth, "Shh... My love, we will escape. We will go to a different Quadrant, where no one can find us. I'll take on a new name, find someone who will hold us. You'll see.. You'll see."

But even as she said those words, she knew it would never come true. Her hopes of finding peace were gone. Elaine's body wasn't fit for running, and she would never make it. But at least she could spend this time with her child, even if they were only brief moments. She would still treasure them forever.

"My, my, Elaine. You're looking simply radiant tonight." The male voice echoed eerily off of the metal walls of the warehouse, making Elaine whip her head towards the figure fearfully.

He stood tall in the doorway, a cape billowing out behind him. The golden pin on his chest, surrounded by many stars labeled him as the general of the King's Force. His jacket was black, as well as his shiny boots, and on his belt was a large blade, that almost touched the floor. He had bright green eyes, and his light brown hair shadowed his face, making his expression even darker. He wore the same amused face that his brother, the King, always wore.

His boots clomped loudly as he approached. Elaine quickly stood, stumbling back clumsily with Marie clinging tightly to her mother's chest, cooing and reaching out with small soft hands. The soldiers that had accompanied the caped man started to hover quickly towards her, taking out their electrified blades swiftly.

The caped man raised his hand calmly, smirking, "No... Not so fast. I have business to settle. You all wait, but no need to stay on your guard." He chuckled, "We're dealing with a weak and worn out woman."

The soldiers glanced among themselves nervously, but nodded, dropping off of their boards and standing at attention, "As you wish, General Conrad."

Conrad continued to approach Elaine, his attention switching to the baby in her arms, "Is that your child? I wonder if she's as beautiful as you are."

Elaine scooted back, "Stay away! You can do what you want with me, but leave her alone! She's innocent!"

Conrad grinned, ignoring her comment, "You know Elaine, it's been rather lonely at the castle. Brother's been so mean since you left. Can you believe that he hasn't even found another mistress to replace you? Shame.. You missed out on all the luxuries he could offer you.. You were lucky to be loved by the King himself. He doesn't even love his own Queen."

Elaine narrowed her eyes, "I wasn't happy and you know it. Gregor was the one that truly loved me, and--"

"And where is he now?"

Elaine gulped, looking away, her hands trembling. Marie squirmed in her arms, gazing up curiously. Elaine didn't look at her, a pained expression on her face.

Conrad chuckled, "Ah, yes. Dead. Back at that sorry excuse of a home back in the Slums." He took out his blade and it zapped a few times, even hissing a bit. "I can still see the blood on my blade... Ah, and I can still hear the screams..."

Elaine screamed, "Stop it! Stop it now, Conrad!"

He stepped closer, and at this point, Elaine's back was pressed against the wall of the dirty warehouse. "Oh no, Elaine. I won't stop. I came here for that baby, and you're going to give her to me." Conrad held out his hand, "Hand her over, or I'll use force." His blade zapped threateningly.

Elaine's eyes began to tear up and she painfully yelled, "Never!" There, exposed in the moonlight, she stood her ground, clutching onto Marie tightly. She was still fairly young, in her thirties, the bags under her dark brown eyes making her look older. Her dark hair was messily pinned back, revealing the face of a terrified, heart-broken, and weary woman.

Conrad narrowed his eyes once more, his gaze piercing, like that of a hungry cat. "Have it your way." He growled, slashing his blade in the air near her. He used that moment of distraction to steal Marie from her arms, the baby instantly wailing and bawling from being taken away from her mother. Elaine screamed and reached out desperately for her only child, the only thing left that was dear to her. But Conrad silenced the agonized mother quickly, stabbing his blade through her stomach. Her cream colored blouse immediately stained, a splotch of crimson slowly growing.

The light slowly left Elaine's eyes and she slumped down to the dusty ground, a pool of blood forming around her. Conrad waited a moment, staring down at the murdered woman at his feet. He softly whispered, "Such a shame.. That it had to be this way, Elaine." He sheathed his blade and turned, his cape flowing out from behind him, boots clomping against the floor again.

The soldiers rushed to the woman, cleaning up and making sure no evidence of her murder was left behind.

Conrad stepped out into the moonlight, looking down at the child in his arms. Marie wailed and cried, reaching up towards Conrad's face. The General sighed, not sure how to quiet her down. So he simply put a finger to the little child's lips and let out a quick, "Shush!"

Marie stopped, blinking. Her eyes were a bright hazel, her brown hair curling around her face delicately. She smiled, cooing and reaching up for Conrad again. He just nodded at her, and saw his hover-car approaching.

"I'll call you..." He looked around the warehouse, it was surrounded by heather. He nodded, looking back to Marie, "Yes. I'll call you Heather. I don't know what name you had before, but..."

She smiled, giggling and reaching up for him again. He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, now.. Stop that." He held her up, looking her over, "You'll make a nice hybrid for his majesty's son. Welcome Heather, to the Hybrid Project."

Conrad sat down into the hover-car, and then the servants closed the doors. The driver sped off, towards the enormous castle in the distance.

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