Chapter 2

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Melissa POV

What the fuck was that. Startled, I set down my tablet and freeze in place, listening for anything else.

Something heavy drops onto the carpet. Footsteps. Oh my gosh what is happening. Then I hear a voice “Sweep the house. Leave no stone unturned.” I’m I being robbed??!! Blind with panic, I turn to try and escape out the back door only to see it wide open, and a masked man standing squarely in the center of the frame. “Ahhh!!!” I screamed. “hey, don’t move!” the masked man said.

He unholsters a gun, pointing it directly at me. The Henchman spoke “Boss, I found somebody over here!” There’s a steady drumbeat of footsteps, multiple people filing into the kitchen.

One of the Gangsters spoke “The daughter looks like. She might know something.” I don’t know what they are talking about, know something? About? I was panicking in the inside. “What’s going on?” I asked them with a shaky voice. My mouth became dry, my whole body trembling. But if I don’t find a way out of this, I’m dead meat. If I know what they are after, maybe I can negotiate. “I…I don’t know what’s going on. M-maybe if we all calmed down…”

The man with the gun shouts me down. “Shut up! We’re the one’s asking the questions!”  I was trembling so bad that I fell down on my knees, trying to hide my face from them. The leader kneels down in front of me. I can only see his eyes, twinkling with mirth. “Tell us where your parents are.” My throat tightens. “Wh…what?” One of the henchman looks at me still pointing the gun at me “That’s all we need to know. Easy. Right?”

Not saying anything, I bite back a scream when the man touches my face, roughly jerking my chin up so I’m forced to look into his eyes. The Gangster leader spoke loud “Wreck the place!” At his order I hear a heavy grunt accompanied by shattered glass. The men start overturning furniture, destruction raging through the whole house.

The leader gave more orders “Get everything. If it’s standing upright, I want it knocked down. If it’s bolted to the floor, then I want it in pieces.” Under the table, Seymour looks just as scared as I am.

The second someone overturns the whole wooden frame, he’s out like a shot, running out the back door and far away. What the hell, some guard dog I have.

The Henchman starts speaking again to me “Now, let’s try again. Your parents?” I sniffed “I swear, I don’t know where they are!” The Gang leader glares at me “You’re making me very angry, little girl. Don’t make me-“

A sharp pop roars, nearly deafening me. Recoiling back, the masked man shouts in pain, clutching his hand to his chest. The Henchman screams, “Arrghh!” I try to look around but it was dark and the only light I could see was the outside lights but they were very dim. Who could’ve shot this guy?

Then I heard an unknown voice speak “Nobody move!” I freeze just as I turn to see who is standing at the doorway. I expect to see a squadron of policemen in uniform coming to my rescue. Instead, a man walks in, pistol outstretched- impeccably dressed, beautiful, and at ease amidst the chaos.

He has grey storming eyes, black wavy short hair, a beautiful structure nose and small thin lips that looked so kissable if not being in the situation.

He turns to me “Stay still if you don’t want the next one in your skull.” The sounds outside starts changing in tone, gunshots ringing out and yelps of pain filtering through.

Pulling out his gun, the masked leader backs away cautiously towards the kitchen. “Leslie Valentine! I should have known it would be you, you son of a-!” Another man comes barrelling through the doorway like a bat straight out of hell.

“I got this one, Leslie” the strange man spoke. He has red hair that is styled in a Mohawk way, dressed in black, like body guards and he had a killer smile. He moves almost quicker than I can see, hand whipping out to grab the masked leader by his wrist and aim the gun away. Leslie sees a figure and yells out to the stranger’s name, “Paul, watch out!”

Three shots fire in the air… before the fiery young man brings his knee to the gang leader’s stomach.

He groaned in pain “Oof!”  Paul looks at the gang leader, “Waving that gun around makes you feel like a real man, huh?”

Once the masked man is bent over in pain, Paul draws out a solid steel blade, slamming the blunt edge down on the back of the man’s head, knocking him out cold.
WTF! What kind of a cop carries around a samurai sword? I thought to myself.

Paul smiles “You can’t even take a punch!” he throws him down onto the floor like discarding a piece of trash. The guy who I recall is Leslie looked at Paul “Paul. I told you to take care of the others.”

Leslie scowls deeply, but in response the other guy who I now know as Paul just shrugs. “I already did. And then I got bored. Besides… You gotta get up close and personal to make sure the job gets done.”

Leslie raises his eyebrow “Oh yeah?” His partner dusts himself before showing off his sword. “I have this!” Leslie just looks at him with a bored expression on his face “This again. And you call me lucky. It’s literally a miracle somebody hasn’t shot you yet.” “It’s a miracle nobody’s smacked the smartness out of you yet.” he retorted back.

Paul gives me a once-over, before a sudden grin lights up his face. His eyes are matching with his hair, maybe a lighter red that I see, which freaks me out. “Hey, don’t look so scared, Isn’t this an exciting way to end the party?” Stammering, I’m torn between gratitude and renewed fear.

“I don’t understand what’s happening.” Leslie looks at me “You don’t need to understand. Just stay quiet unless spoken to, and keep out of my way. No sudden moves unless you want to end up like him.”

Leslie gestures the masked man, lying prone on the floor. Sheathing his sword, Paul shrugs again. “Hey, easy, Leslie. She might be able to help us if we’re a little friendlier.” Paul strides towards me with an easy grin on his lips. “After all, this is the girl in the picture with our targets.” Reaching into his wallet, he unfolds one of my family photos. To my alarm, I see my parents’ faces, circled in red. Leslie speaks again in his sexy husky voice “Their daughter?” Paul nods “Let’s take her and get out of here before their backups arrives.” Leslie grabs me by my upper arm, attempting to drag me along without another word.

I started resisting “N-no, I just house sit! They’re on vacation and I’m walking their dog!” Leslie scoffs “Yeah, right.” Damn he didn’t buy it…! He spoke again and I couldn’t help but be swayed by his voice “Just come with me.”

“I’m telling you, you’ve got the wrong girl!” I said.

“Even if that’s true, you’re not gonna get any mercy from the people who’ll come after us. I’m offering you protection.” He said

“From what?” I asked.

“These guys.” He said, gesturing again to the man lying on the floor.

“They tore up your house to make your attempted kidnapping look like a robbery gone wrong.” He said looking straight into my eyes, like he is trying to see through my soul.

“…” I just stared at him. “Just…” I shake myself free of his grasp. “Just…stop touching me.”

“Fine” he grumbled “Follow me.”

Swallowing nervously, I do as he says. Paul walks behind me as we escape through the ruins of the front door.

Well this is Chapter 2, if you like it and want more comment, vote and share. Love ya’ll


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