The World Still Turns

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What bothers Juice is the way they stare at her. They don't understand what his wife has been through, being cut open countless times, loss and pain, are nothing to her she never bats an eye. All they see are the metal wheels she relies on to make her place in this world. She carries their baby girl in her lap pretending not to see the eyes staring holes in her back like bullets. Can they not understand that she was born this way and would change it if she could? All Juice sees is the woman he loves, her long brown hair she uses as armor to shield herself from the stares, her beautiful blue green eyes and her strong loving heart. She is his world, her and his precious Karolynn.

What bothers Mackenzie is that Juice can't see that he makes it all worth it. She sees the stares, but learned to ignore them long ago. They don't matter to her as long as he looks at her with love in his big brown eyes. She has known loss and pain, spent her entire life needing to prove the naysayers wrong, prove that's she's just as strong and intelligent, if not moreso, as they are. He never treats her any different, sees who she is on the inside behind her tough exterior. She could go on forever about him, but doesn't because he knows it all. Knows her better than she knows herself. "Momma why those people look at you funny?" 3 year old Kara asks as they make their way over to him. "They're just jealous of how beautiful Momma is." Juice tells their pride and joy.
"Hottest thing you've ever seen Handsome." She teases, pulling him down to her level to kiss him and whispers in his ear "I know this is bothering you, but ignore them. Paying attention to it only makes things worse."

They plan on loving and bothering each other forever because no matter what crosses your path: The World Still Turns.
Authors note: if you recognize it it belongs to Kurt Sutter or you know me personally. The picture is Mackenzie's/My eye color

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