The First Meeting

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18 year old Mackenzie has just moved to Charming California when her 2016 Mustang gets a flat. She makes a call to Teller Morrow, the closest auto shop.
"Teller Morrow how may I help you?" A middle aged woman answered. "Uhm I'm near Hoffman Pharmacy and my Mustang has a flat, don't have a spare with me." She said.
"Okay Sweetheart, I'll send someone."
Soon she saw a TM truck pull up behind her. A tall Puerto Rican man with a Mohawk and tribal tattoos hopped out and her heart stopped. 'Holy Shit I think I'm in love' She thought to herself. "I'm Juice." He introduced, shaking her hand. "Mackenzie. Thank you so much for this."

When Juice pulled up he saw a pretty young woman beside a red 2016 Mustang. First he noticed her long brown hair and blue green eyes. The wheelchair she sat in was the farthest thing from his mind at the moment. He knew from that moment on she had to be his. "Anytime Ma'am." He said, getting to work. After a minute he said "You new to town?" "Just moved here from a shitty little town no one has ever heard of Rogersville, Alabama." She responded. He laughed and said "I knew I heard a Southern accent." "Bama Born and Raised." She teased. "Well Miss Mackenzie you're not too bad, for a country girl you know." He laughed. "As Sweet Home Alabama says, just because I talk slow doesn't mean I'm stupid." She fired back. "Never seen it." He said. She put her hand on her heart in a display of over dramatic shock. "Well Mr. ? Sorry, I never caught a last name. You have not seen a proper depiction of the great state of Alabama." She teased. "The name's Ortiz. What about you?" He laughed. "Garrett. So tell me Mr. Ortiz, do you know anybody that'd be willing to help me move my shit into my house?" She asked. "Uhm tell you what. Follow me back to TM and I will round up my guys." He said, finishing up his work on her car. "Lead the way Hot Stuff." She responded, sounding more confident than she felt.
She pulled up at the same time he did, so he helped her get her chair out of the back but let her get herself out. "Thanks Cutie." She said, winking. "Are you always this bold?" He asked, laughing. "You know that thing in your head that tells you not to fucking say that? Wasn't born with that shit." She said easily. "Well you'll fit right in here. Nobody knows how to keep their mouths shut." He said. Mackenzie saw an extremely toned blonde man walk over to them and once again couldn't hold her tongue. "Holy Shit! Are yall all ridiculously fucking attractive in this town?! Because if I don't see at least one ugly person in the next 5 minutes my ass is going back to Alabama where I'll fit in." She cried. "Thanks Darlin. Juice, go get Tig, can't have the lady escaping on us. I like her already, I think she'd be a good addition to our fucked up little family." The blonde man laughed. Juice ran off and the blonde man stuck his hand out to shake Mackenzie's. "I'm Jax by the way." He said, smiling charmingly. "Thanks for the offer, but I see that ring. Where I'm from you don't fuck somebody else's man, especially their husband. Besides, I don't peg you as a cradle robber. I just turned 18 in December. Attending SJVC as a Criminal Justice Major. The name's Mackenzie Garrett by the way." She shot back. "That's just his personality Sweetheart, he knows Wendy would cut his dick off if he looked at another woman. I like you, tough, not afraid to stand up and say what's on your mind. Remind me a lot of myself at your age." A very attractive woman in her 50's said. "Well Ma'am, you don't survive with insides as fucked up as mine by whining and crying like a little bitch. You have to play the cards you're dealt, you can't just fold because you got a shitty hand." Mackenzie responded. "So you've met Jax and Gemma. These are the rest of our crew: Happy, Opie, Tig, Bobby, Chibs and Ratboy. You'll meet our resident old farts JT and Piney later. Guys, this is Mackenzie." Juice introduced. "Okay I'm glad not all of you have that chiseled Adonis shit going for you." She teased. "So guys, what do you think about helping this obvious damsel in distress move her stuff into her house?" Juice asked. "Excuse you. I'm nowhere near in distress and if it weren't for the fucked up leg that I only keep attached for decoration I'd move my own shit, so I think that cancels out the damsel shit too." She sassed. "Damn Juicey Boy, where did you find a lady like this?" The man introduced as Chibs asked in a thick Scottish accent. "Would you believe me if I said I literally found her on the side of the road?" He asked. Mackenzie laughed and said "You just had to turn it into something dirty and cheap. Typical man. I had a flat, this one came to my rescue. Now we're here." "I think I speak for us all when I say we'd love to help you move your shit. Lead the way Beautiful." The curly black haired man named Tig said. "You wanna ride with me to the house Juice? We need to have a talk about your storytelling." I said. "Damn Juice, you just met her and you're already in trouble. That's a record." Happy said. "How do you know he's in trouble? I could just be using that as an excuse to get him alone and have my way with him." She responded. "I thought people from the south believe in all that sweet innocent mannerly waiting until marriage shit." Happy said. "Oh Mr. Lowman, you seem confused. You just described the 1950's Southern Belle archetype. I hate those fake backstabbing little bitches. I'm the hell raising but still well behaved redneck. I know how to be soft polite and respectful when I have to, but I don't believe in that fake kissing your ass two faced talking behind your back bullshit. I'm tough as nails and can handle myself like a grown up, not a helpless prepubescent girl. I'm honest to a fault and you never have to guess what I'm thinking or how I feel. To sum it all up I'm a real actual human." "Ortiz. Marry her or I will." Opie said. "Hold your horses. I see a ring on your finger too. Don't make me give you the same speech I gave Blondie."
In Mackenzie's car
"So Juice, what does your Momma call you? She asked. "My real name is Juan Carlos if that's what you're asking. My sister is the only family I have." He said. "I have a shit ton of family I'll loan you anytime. They get on my damn nerves, but they're my first priority. Always." She told him. "So forgive me for jumping to conclusions, but if you love The South and your family so much why are you here? Don't get me wrong I'm so thankful you are, I just don't picture you being happy here." "Independence. It wasn't an accident that landed me wheels, the son of a bitch birth defect Spina Bifida did it. I've always been dependent on my parents, and I decided it was time to grow up. I want to be somebody they can be proud of, I want my nieces and nephew to see everything I've done and overcome and be proud of me. This is my way of doing that. I moved here to attend San Joaquin Valley College, didn't want to be that girl that never leaves her hometown. My fucked up spine isn't gonna stop me from doing shit." She said passionately. "Damn. Are you literally fucking perfect?" Juice asked before he could stop himself. "Keep talking like that and I'm gonna expect you to take me on a date." She said in a joking manner. "You got plans tomorrow night?" He asked seriously. "You're serious?" She choked. "Why wouldn't I be?" He asked. "Well first of all, you just met me and I haven't had time to get on your nerves. And you're what? 28? That means there is 10 years between us." "After you're legal age is just a number. Unless it bothers you." He teased. "I'd be dumb as hell to turn you down. It's a date." She said, sounding more confident than she felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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