Welcome to Blackwood Academy

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It's Thursday afternoon, the middle of the school day and Sutton and Mrs. Doris were taking the usual new student tour around Blackwood Academy. Blackwood Academy is a large boarding school in an Remote area in London. The school is surrounded by the large and luscious Whispering Woods, populated by many mythical and woodland creatures. On either side the Forest is approximately 70 miles out.

The boarding school is a combination of neoclassical and Gothic revival architecture. Its old but not run down. The school is filled with many dark but vibrant colors. The colors are a combination of Emerald greens, burnt maroons, golds and black. The classrooms aren't modernized but they are still in mint condition. The school is filled with creatures and magical beings of all shapes and sizes. Because it was the middle of the school day the school was bustling with energy, as those who have free period were roaming the halls or lounging in one of the schools many rest spots.

"I just know you are going to love it here Ms. Blackwood," exclaimed Mrs. Doris, for the 12th time.

"Please call me Sutton, Sutton is just fine." Sutton Blackwood had only been in the Academy for under an hour, and she was already tired of being gawked at by the faculty and staff. Yes, she half expected to be the focal point of everyone's attention the moment she enrolled, but being paraded around like some prized possession, was nothing she had been prepared for. Sutton was average... just average, not exceptional but not shitty either. Her magic was OK, and her looks were plain as well. She had dark chocolate brown wavy hair and burnt umber brown plain eyes. However her golden tan skin was free of the treacherous teen acne, that half of high schoolers suffer through, so in that aspect she was a little bit above average.

"Oh sorry Ms. Bla-, Sutton... we're all just so excited that you're finally here with us. Now if you--"

"Do you mind if I look around on my own? Sorry, it's kind of hard enough being the new kid you know." Sutton didn't mean to be rude, but she knew she could never make friends if she stayed with Ms. Doris the giddy ray of sunshine.

"Oh okay. How about I let you explore for a couple of hours and then we meet back in the office when you're done." Ms. Doris said sadly as she walked back to her office.

Sutton walked down the hallway alone and attempted to shove her school map in her backpack. She couldn't risk looking any more like a newbie than she already did. She took in her surroundings. The Academy was almost 300 years old and yet it was somehow able to combine its historical architecture with the modern appliances of the 21st century. Sutton admired the school, she loved any and all things vintage. Sutton instantly knew the school's make up. The building was composed of a combination of Neoclassical and Gothic Revival architecture, popular 18th century styles, and everything still appeared to be well preserved. She was very impressed, maybe she'll like the school after all. Sutton was so entranced by a column, that she didn't feel anyone's gaze on her, until she heard a chuckle.

"You know if you're into columns, let me be the bearer of good news; There is another column exactly like this one 10 feet that way." Said the Student with a chuckle. He was a male and he appeared to be the same age as Sutton. He had fair skin, dark curly hair, and chuck hazel eyes. He seemed liked the type of guy to win the cleanest room in the world contest. His uniform was clean and nicely pressed. And on his left arm he was wearing a silver Cartier watch with a black leather wristband. Whoa, Sutton thought. What kind of student wears a $16,000 watch to school? Sutton forgot for a moment, she was in her new storybook life, not her cookie cutter simplistic full house one. She had to admit though, this guy was cute, but totally out of her league. He even had this unique voice, that had a hint of smokiness to it. Definitely not someone she'd meet at her old school. She wondered what he was...Vampire? He was awfully pale, but that hair, so curly. Sutton laughed to herself as she replied to the student's remark.

"Sorry, I didn't realize this post had already been claimed." Retorted Sutton, hoping that her dog joke, would reveal his DNA.

"Well I am open to sharing, only if you join my cult that is." He replied slyly.

"Oh shoot, you're too late, I've already sworn my allegiance to the moon gods--" Sutton began.

"Okay, as great as that comeback might've been, I'm dying to know your name, before I have to go to potions class." He begged.

Sutton smiled, and then remembered what kind of attention she would bring if she told students she was a descendant of Matilda Blackwood, let alone the Headmaster's daughter. So she took a deep breath and replied, "Sutton, just Sutton."

"Well Sutton, I'm charmed to make your acquaintance. Mascen at your gracious pleasure." Mascen says, while extending his hand.

The school bell rings

While shaking his hand Sutton replied. "Quite the charmer I see."

"Hope to see you around." He responded with a smile, a dazzling smile that made Sutton's heart melt, just a little bit.

As Mascen walked away, an unusual sound caught Sutton's attention. It was an interesting mixture of howling, she presumed and singing. It was beautiful, she thought. She had never heard anything like it before. She followed the sound to what seemed like a small conference room. She peeked through the glass window and took in the scenery before her. A student was sitting on a desk, with headphones on and jamming out to what sounded like an old pop rock song. The girl had really long curly hair that went down to her waist, with a platinum and grayish thick streak on one side. She was dressed in a Avril Lavigne fan girl type attire. Her school uniform was punked out. She had a hot pink fishnet glove on her right hand, and a studded bracelet on her left. Around her neck she wore a studded silver choker, with a moon crescent pendant and to match the fishnet glove she had hot pink knee high socks. Sutton smiled widely, she found her new best friend. She knocked on the door and saw that it was cracked open, so she stepped in and waved to get the student's attention.

"Hi, I don't mean to intrude but I heard your voice and couldn't help but rock out to the Avril Jam." Sutton exclaimed gushing like a fan girl.

"What's up, I don't think I've seen you around before." The singer replied taken off guard. She had light peanut colored skin, with a beige undertone, and honey brown eyes with a thin line of gray surrounding the iris.

"Yeah, I'm new. The name is Sutton."

"Finally, we get a new student with taste, I'm Silver, is today your first day?" Silver asked while hopping off of the desk.

"Yes, I don't have my 'caution new girl walking' sign with me right now." Sutton said while laughing.

"Ah Ms. Doris, I swear new kids are the highlight of her day ha ha. Hey, since your tour guide got sent back to her office of boredom, how about I take you to the cafeteria, I think today's special is pan fried raccoon, with a side of red worms."

"Wait what?" Sutton exclaimed half disgusted, half curious.

"Oh don't worry, it's just the special, you don't have to eat it. There's other options." Silver replied reassuringly.

"Oh o-kay, part of me thought you were kidding."

"Welcome to Blackwood High, Mwah ha ha. So what are you anyway, a Fairy, Vampire ooo Siren?" Silver questions as they walk down the hallway toward the cafeteria.

"Whoa, totally flattered that you think I could be a Siren, but I'm your uninteresting teenage witch. What about you?"

"You heard the howling in my singing, ha ha, I'm a Werewolf."

"Awesome, we're going to be a dynamic duo." Sutton announced excitedly

"More like the Terrifying Trio, wait until you meet Cruz, he's great. He's a Vampire."

"I'm starting to like this school more and more. You know I've heard stories from my mom about all of the supposed mythical creatures, but to get to be friends with them, let alone meet them, this is so much better than a basic human school."


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