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Steve created a chat

Tony logged on
Clint logged on
(Y/N) logged on

Steve- Guys I brought a friend and he's going to be staying here for awhile....

(Y/N)- Wait did you say brought or bought??

Steve- brought

(Y/N)- K cause I was gonna say it's not nice to buy friends....unless your Tony...that's the only way he can get friends XD


Clint- XD

Tony- I don't buy friends they just appear

(Y/N)- Keep telling yourself that


Tony- Enough about me...now who is this friend..

Clint- I think I know

Tony- is it that one person

Clint- I think so

Steve- ._.

Tony- really

Steve- he's not a bad guy!!! It was hydra not him!

(Y/N)- I'm lost...who's this friend that Tony seems to not like

Steve- He's my old pal from back in the day

(Y/N)- So he's like 70 or something?


Clint- omg

Steve-*sigh* No he was frozen like me

(Y/N)- Ohhhhhhhhh I wanna meet him GET HIM ON HEREEEEEEE

Steve-Ok ok but you have to be nice

Tony- For all we know he could kill you with a pencil in like 2.1 seconds *rolls eyes*

Clint- Or he could just choke you to death with his arm

Tony-true true

Steve-here he comes

Bucky logged on

Bucky- Hi...

Steve- Hey Buck..want me to introduce everyone??

Bucky- That would be fine

Steve- So obviously you already know Tony and Clint

Bucky- ya

Bucky- it says there's 5 of us on here.....I only heard four talk....who's the 5th??

(Y/N)- m-me....

Tony- O_O

Clint- O_o

(Y/N)- What's with those faces asshats??!?!

Tony- She's back to her normal self were good now

Clint- Ikr I thought she was sick or something

(Y/N)- Anywho, nice to meet you Bucky I'm (Y/N)

Bucky- Hi

Steve- I can already tell you guys are going to be friends😄

Tony-Or lovers

Clint- It already seems he likes her

Bucky- Shut up I just met the girl!

Tony-Make me >.<

Clint- I'm going to go hide in the vents before he starts killing people BYE

Clint has logged off

Bucky- I will choke you with my metal arm -_-

Tony- O_o BYE

Tony has logged off

(Y/N)- You have a metal arm??

Bucky- ya

(Y/N)- Cool!!


Steve- Bucky are you blushing??


Steve-Keep telling yourself that

(Y/N)- Well I gotta go...I need some food before I die bye guys



(Y/N) has logged off

Steve- You were so blushing

Bucky- whatever

Steve- Just be careful...I already know another person likes (Y/N)


Steve- ok ok

Steve has logged off

Bucky- I need to find out who likes her

Bucky has logged off

Ooooooooooooooo😂😂 Who's the person who likes you...YOU WILL NEVER FIND OUT.. Jk you will at some point. That was fun adding Bucky. Bye everyone XOXO

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