It's All About Me (idk)

13 2 0

I was tagged by Pottermore26


1) Must have a creative title

2) Post 14 facts about yourself

3) Complete it within a week

4) Must tag at least 10 people

1} Currently, my favorite bands are twenty øne piløts and Arctic Monkeys

2} Some of my other favorite bands include Fall Out Boy, Muse, Panic! at the Disco, and Green Day

3} I despise math but I'm a year ahead of everyone else (I'm doing precalculus a year early)

4} My favorite thing to do is write (I don't post it bc I'm scared to tbh)

5} I'm really bad at long stories but oneshots are my favorite

6} I have one younger sister and she and I are really close

7} My favorite subject in school is English 

8} I'm currently going into my sophomore year of high school

9} I don't really like 5SOS anymore

10} I really, really, really like Dan and Phil (it's a problem), also Doddleoddle and Evan Edinger

11} My eyes are super weird they're some combination of brown and green

12} My favorite TV show is either Supernatural or Sherlock

13} I spend too much of my free time on tumblr (it's unhealthy)

14} I'm also a huge fan of Led Zeppelin 

I tag:











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