It's (almost) Christmas!

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Thanks to Potterhead0226 for tagging me again. 

1) Favorite winter nail polish?

I don't really paint my nails, but sparkly red/green is always good.

2) Favorite winter lip product?

I'm addicted to chapstick honestly. I always have at least two with me.

3) Most worn winter clothing piece?

Well outside of my school uniform sweater, probably my LA hoodie.

4) Most worn winter accessory?

I mean I got my class ring a few days ago, does that count?

5) Favorite winter candle scent?

I have a really nice pine tree scented candle

6) Favorite winter beverage?

Hot tea, but that's always my favorite hot drink, so maybe hot chocolate for winter.

7) All-time favorite Christmas movie? 

A Christmas Story! It's my absolute favorite Christmas movie, I just love it so much. I feel like it's really underrated. 

8) Favorite Christmas song?

I really like All I Want for Christmas is You, but any Bing Crosby/Frank Sinatra version of a Christmas song makes me happy too.

9) Favorite Christmas food?

My grandmother makes the best rolls but she only makes them for Christmas and Thanksgiving.

10) What's your favorite Christmas decoration?

My grandmother's Christmas tree.

11) What's at the top of your Christmas list?

Literally anything from LUSH

12) Your plans for this Christmas?

I'm going back home to visit my family.

I'm tagging:







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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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