Another Tag

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I was tagged by Potterhead0226

Rules: Post 5 facts about you within the next week

1. I have the mouth of a sailor. Seriously, it's a problem - practically every other word out of my mouth is a cuss word. 

2. My number one talent is procrastination. Last year, I did most of my homework the class before it was due. I definitely don't recommend it. 

3. A lot of people mistake me for being a lot older than I actually am. When I was in 7th grade, a cashier at Whole Foods asked if I was graduating college soon.

4. I self-identify as the "mom friend" of my group after my friend puked on a carnival ride and I spent the rest of the night attempting to make her feel better.

5. There are a whole bunch of people that I look up to and want to be like. Some of them include Patrick Stump, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, and Billie Joe Armstrong. 

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