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Now that LIPSTICK is finished, I will be going back and editing the chapters to correct any mistakes I've made. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. 

LIPSTICK will not have a sequel (:( sorry ). I just feel like a sequel would be too much like the story is already good as it is. Sometimes sequels ruin stories or just continue to drag the same concept that people grow tired of and I feel as if that would happen with LIPSTICK. 

I might make some one-shots, you know little snippets of Niall and Harry's future lives in the LIPSTICK universe and maybe Louis and Liam's too, I'm still thinking about it. 

Thank you guys so much for supporting me throughout the process of writing this story I know I've taken sudden hiatuses here and there but it happens haha I'm really sorry but again thank you so so much.



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