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hallow so todai am gon write update. dis (wat u is reding) is life update. so der is bug in my rom and it go bZZZsbabBBZZZ i hat when bugs do the bZZZsbabBBZZZ. so ya am vary scarred bc bug. am also tinking of write fanfic but idk who so pls dm some peple and i woll evan do non famous pesents just ask. so ya um idk wat will happen wit dis bok bc i men it is perfekt so how can i evan bZZZsbabBBZZZ THE BUG IS BAK OMG AM GO UNDER BLANCET. but ya under blancet is vary hot, am sad.  also am want snek as pet but mom sed no fuc u snek. and ya am sad bc no snek. tanks 4 support of bok i know it is best bok u evar red so next bok i will work hard 2 mack evan bETER bok!!!1!1


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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