Epilogue | Say Goodbye

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                 Epilogue: Say Goodbye

Narrator's Point of View-

Having a crush on someone is what everyone goes through at one point in their life. They'll see someone and they think that they are attractive, or they'll meet someone and think that person is funny or sweet, or whatever it is that made you end up catching feelings for them.

Dayna Blake, is a now a 17 year old girl in high school who used to crush on a boy since her freshman year. . Nobody knew about her crush on him, including her best friend Kendall. Dayna refused to tell anyone about the crush on him because she never want him to know.

She kept it a secret for awhile that she was crushing on one of the cutest boys in her grade. She's did it for two and half years until Kendall blabbed and everything seemed to change for, forever.

She got the boy she wanted, everything seemed perfect, but it was high school and not everything is meant to be. That's just the reality though, the likely chance of staying with your first boyfriend/girlfriend is so low. I'm not saying it's impossible – because it's not.

Life just works funky, and things happen that are meant to shape us into adulthood. Now let me tell you, Dayna never seen it coming, and maybe she should've but she didn't.

She never imagined getting her hearbroken by the one boy she's always wanted. After Mason broke her heart, Dayna fell deep and couldn't take the news well at all. Now she never went as far as attemptive suicide but she was broke.

He wasn't just her boyfriend, he was her best friend. They were friends before they were together so she not only lost him she lost a friend in the process which hurt her double than the amount of their relationship breakup.

She may have not wanted anything to do with him, but that didn't mean it wasn't hard to get used to nonetheless.

When senior year started up and his seat was empty, she realized this was forreal. She spent her entire summer moping around, spending it with her grandmother in Massachusetts trying to get over him.

It was difficult, really difficult. But now that school's here she felt alone. She had friends of course, but their group didn't seem right without Mason.

Around October, Dayna started drifted away from the group – Zach, Daniel, Cody, Seth, Brad, Kendall, and Rachel and found herself a new friend.

Her name was Heather and she was nice to Dayna. She was new to the school, and they immediatly clicked. Dayna felt as if she needed to distance herself from them, so she did.

She distanced herself slowly, until she finally stopped completely. She felt bad, but she couldn't help it.

November came around and she'd sit with Heather at lunch. She noticed that Mason and Maddie were sitting with her old group. He sat in her seat, holding Maddie's hand the same way his used to hold hers. It broke her, but she needed to accept it now.

She needed to not let him control her life anymore. December rolled around after that, and she got a call from Liam and he told her he finally has a girlfriend.

She was happy for him, but she realized that her friendship with him was definitely gonna change. Sometimes she imagined what it'd be like if she just kissed Liam that day before he left in her junior year.

She wondered what it would have been like if she just got with Liam instead of Mason. She felt like Liam would never break her heart the way Mason did, and she'd fall in love with him. Maybe everything would have been perfect if her and Liam just dated and nothing ever happened between her and Mason.

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