The fight for equestria

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(this story goes between two characters at first, by the paragraph, it goes from Ava, to a stallion, then back to Ava, and so on. I put this here so you do not get confused.)

(( Ava Elizabeth has just become an alicorn, she has two white legs, both on her left side. she has a light purple coat and a darker purple mane. Her cutie mark is a blue diamond with a navy swirl in the middle and she has always looked up to princess twilight sparkle, like twilight looked up to star swirl the bearded wing))

"I completely understand. Don't worry, I have faith in you" Princess Celestia comforted me. "Its not that hard. I believe in you" She sounded comforting enough,I believed her. I nodded in understanding, pretending I understood, but I didn't. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want to leave my family and friends. Princess Celestia had just turned me into an alicorn, like one of her earlier students, my idol, Princess Twilight Sparkle. She became an alicorn from her studies on friendship. But I have always had friends. Celestia told me that I became princess for a different reason. I became princess because she thought I was perfect for becoming one, but I don't believe her. I know she made me princess for a different reason. I just don't know what yet. "Don't be afraid, I know you will survive this" the princess tells me. "WHAT?!" I had been completely ignoring her, thinking about my new wings and me leading my own kingdom. Princess Celestia smiled at me. "Don't worry Ava. I am watching over you every second." This didn't make me feel better. The words "you will survive this" echoed in my head as if it meant I was going to war or something! "Am I shaking? I think I'm shaking" I think out loud. The princess kept smiling at it was starting to get on my nerves. WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! I wanted to say it, but yelling at a princess, or ignoring someone at her highness could lead to a BIG disaster. Fear of being executed for not paying attention crossed my mind. No. She wouldn't do that. "C-could you repeat what you said please? I-I didn't quite get what you said" I ask, trembling. " Of course dear Ava" Thank Celestia she wasn't mad. "I am sending you to an island, where you shall fight to win the rights to become a full princess.

Battle Stained armor decorated the walls of the crystal castle.Then came the voice of a king. A king whose heart is dark as night. A king, who sent subjects to their doom. "BE PREPARED, STAY PREPARED, DIE PREPARED"His echoing roar cracked the windows, and the stallion's confidence that was standing by, waiting for the right moment to run.

I stared at the princess. "your'e joking, right?" she stared into my eyes with her own, and they showed almost sadness, fear maybe. "its not dangerous, the rules are simple. You spend a week out on an island, all alone. You must survive the entire week with only what is out there" I sighed. It was nothing like what I thought or expected. My fear was it would be like the hunger games, where there is just one survivor. I'm home free, almost. It is just a week though, I can do a week. The princess hands me a card. "what is this?" I ask. "that is the ticket to scan, so you can find out what island you go to. Now go." Celestia flashes her horn and I am gone.

The room goes dark. "YOU SHALL GO, AND YOU SHALL DIE." I stood still, knowing that if I moved, Sombra would attack. The evil king cackles "ha, ha,ha. you FOAL! there is nowhere to run. you go to the island, and you play the games. You play them FAIRLY or its all over." Sombra's eyes intimidated me."I'll go." I yell "I WILL GO!!" He stared at me, then said "THEN GO!" Sombra hurtles dark crystals at me and I vanish.

In a moment I am gone, engulfed in a wave of bright lights and magic. Then, I appeared in front of an island. A very small island with few trees or shelter. "great" I huff. A stallion, engulfed in black powder and magic appeared behind me and i jump as he touches my shoulder. "looks like were sharing an island together" He says to me "i-i thought we were supposed to have an island only to ourselves" I sputter. He just laughs and tells me "no, your'e supposed to have two or three ponies helping you out." That was more soothing that anything Princess Celestia had said to me. "what's your'e name?" He stares into my eyes. "oh, I'm Ava Elizabeth. a-and you are?" The stallion looks at me for a moment, as if he had forgotten his name, then says "Ava Elizabeth, that is a beautiful name. I am Flash Sentry" He bows down in front of me. Then I realize something. "Wait, why are you here? I thought this was a competition for princesses, to become an alicorn forever." He stares at me like I have two heads or something, then a loud bell rings. "we have to go. I will tell you why you are really here in a moment." He runs away and I follow him into some trees. We run for a long time, then he stops. "where are we flash?" I ask. He is looking around for something. "flash??" I ask again. He glances up to see somepony walking up to us. It looked like a mare, she had blonde hair and grey fur. As she got closer, her eyes drooped. Not like, looked down, I mean they completely "DERPED" She walked toward us and flash walked up to her, I stayed where i was... I saw them talking about something, then they walked over. The derp eyed mare just stared at me with one eye. Her other eye was looking up. "HI" she giggled. "I'm Ditzy Doo! but you can call me Derpy!" 'Derpy?" Flash and I say together. "YEAH! That's what all my FANZ call me." She seemed so cheery. "you have fans?!" I Shriek. Flash glares at me. "lets go find some shelter and some food" I volunteer. "I'm Flash Sentry and that is Ava Elizabeth" Flash introduces us as we walk off to find some shelter.

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