Lost and Found

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A shadowy figure reached up and grabbed me. I tried to scream, but the figure shoved a hoof over my mouth. I squirmed and struggled. The dark figure pulled me back into a dark room. I kept struggling, but it wouldn't let go. There was another figure in the room, I could barely make it out. It was not a pony, I knew that for certain, but why were they down here? Then I saw somepony chained to the wall. It was a small filly. "Scootaloo?" I mutter through the figures grasp. The chained pony lifts it's head quickly. It was her! The figures push me next to her. The wall was filthy and dusty and it reeked of sweat and gym socks. I was so happy to see Scootaloo though, I ignored it. Scootaloo looked at me with hopeful eyes, as if she thought I could get us out of here. I didn't want to let her down, so I did what any brave pony would do. When the figures weren't looking, I lifted up my left hind leg, and yanked it off the wall.

The figures immediately look our way and I freeze. I don't know what to do. Suddenly, one of the guards turn around. A third figure stands tall behind them. "Now's our chance!" I pull on Scootaloo's chain, and she is free. Both the figures now are attacking the third. Another tunnel, on the right, was empty. I nudge Scootaloo, and we take off. I look behind us to make sure we aren't being followed. A bright light came from above us, we looked up to see the moon shining above us. We were under a hole, all we had to do was climb it.

I stuffed my hoof into a small hole in the side and hoisted myself up. After I had climbed up about a foot, Scootaloo put her hooves in the same holes I did. We were halfway up when I stopped, I heard a crack below us. We looked down to see one of the figures following us up. "Hurry!!" I yelled to Scootaloo. I grab a twig hanging from the side, it was flimsy, but strong enough to hold us.We scurried up, making sure we were putting our hooves in the right holes. "Were almost there!" I call down to Scootaloo. She is falling behind. "were almost there" I say again. I wait for Scootaloo to catch up. I looked back past her, and the shadowy figure had stopped, It was back on the ground. we were safe.

We reached the top, and we coudn't see the figure, or the bottom anymore. I pulled Scootaloo up the last few steps. "we should get back to the others" I run towards the place we were sleeping. I remembered where it was, from all the times we left and went back to the same place. This time, I let Scootaloo walk in front of me.

We got back to Derpy and Flash who were sleeping soundly on their patches of grass, and we sit down. I could finally sleep soundly, knowing Scootaloo was safe.

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