6. I want you

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Leaning over the counter King eyed the girl that came with janiyah cousin letting his eyes roam her body.

He patiently waited for her to notice him and when she did he saw how she was checking him out.

she had perfect curves and her ass looked perfect in her dress. Her skin was flawlessly beautiful.

Fuck he had to stop thinking like this before he gets hard.

He watched her with a look of amusement because she was deep in her thoughts staring at him.

When she suddenly realize she was staring at him, her eyes widen.

He laughed silently watching her as she busied herself looking for a bottle.

King finally walk over to the counter reaching towards the drink at the same as she was reaching on purpose trying to see her reaction towards his body .

My bad lil mama" he said over her shoulder still standing there to seeing how she was blushing mad crazy making him chuckled as he leaned back over the counter letting his eyes roam Paris body from head to toe.

King seen it as another opportunity to get close to her when she put the bottle of Hennessy on the counter as she gulped the liquor down her throat.

He slowly walked behind her and reach for the bottle pouring his self some

making sure she couldn't go nowhere as he put both his hands on each side of the counter.

he sip on his drink not once moving away from the position they was in. hearing her breathing pick up.

He took his drink to the head in one gulp causing some to drip down

king watch how Paris was eyeing the drop of liquor that fell out his cup dripping as he licked his pink lips slowly while She stared at him with a lustful gaze.

Taking a closer step to her as their fronts were almost touching, he lean down closer to her feeling his breath by her anticipating for his lips to meet her neck

He threw a deep chuckle as she quickly opened her eyes realizing that he was only reaching over to put the cap back on the bottle. She blushed her face turning a little red.

Wow this girl was beautiful with nice curves, he just couldn't keep his eyes off her. With how much staring he was doing he's suppose he wasn't coming off as a creep to her.

She looked down at her phone trying away then took a peek at him through the corner of her eyes like he didn't see her.

He look her over one more time then he threw her one of his famous smile, seeing her smile back at him innocently King decided it was time for him to speak up.

"Damn baby girl what you try'na do drown yourself with liquor ?" He asked seeing her take another shot of Hennessy, he noticed she been taking a lot of shots since she walked in the party.

Paris looked up at him and act as if she was thinking then shrugged "no, I'm getting loose and enjoying myself like janiyah told me,"

He mimics her acting like he was thinking " Janiyah huh? You must be her cousin.. Ain't your name Laura or sumthin?" He says acting like he didn't know she wasn't.

she bust out laughing. " nah I'm Paris London's best friend." She says emphasizing on London's name Correcting him

"My fault, you and your friend made quite an appearance." He says sipping on his drink.

She laughed "You ain't gotta say that twice, Janiyah really know how to put people in the spot light."

King thought Damn that laugh sounded cute, he wanted to make her laughed more.

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