46. Run Forest. Run!

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46. Run Forest. Run!

( two days later)

" wait. what's going on?" Paris ask as men's in police uniform came barging in King's house

" you can't do that! You need a search warrant" Paris said when one of the police pushed her to the side and went inside one of the guest rooms while a the chief police made his way to her putting the search warrant in her face

" We were authorize by the judge to search this house"

Paris heart raced scared for King. She couldn't let them go upstairs and catch him off guard she had to warn him.

Paris went to get up when another cop signal for her to seat back down " You have to stay in this room while we're searching and you can not move from this spot" she huffed grabbing the burner phone king gave her since they took her phone and texted him in the group chat

They here🐷🚓

Then texted king in private

Get rid of anything that could get you in trouble while you can, cause they're going upstairs

Paris legs started bouncing up and down out of anxiety she was so scared her nerves were going crazy Meanwhile King got out the shower looking for Paris around the room seeing she wasn't there

" Paris?" He called out hearing footsteps and voices downstairs he quickly put on his clothes and grabbed his gun when his phone vibrated twice and he read Paris text

He groaned. flipping the bed over and removed his pocket knife and a couple of thousand of dollars from under the bed and into his closet pressing his code in putting everything in the safe then secure it back under the floor board.

King took a deep breath and went into the bathroom grabbing the bottles of pills flushing them down the toilet leaving the bottles empty and taking the name tags out of it Then he stared at his self in the mirror and wipe his face with his hands he was thinking about his next move

Get the fuck out of there! Davonte texted.

King look down at the text and shook his head at the text and instead he walk out the bathroom and into the living room acting oblivious to what was happening

" the fuck?" He said looking at them crazy when he notice they was touching his expensive ass watch

" we have been approved to search through this house with a warrant" King smack his teeth moving around the cop resisting the urge to curse him out.

He went into the living room and seen Paris was seating on the couch. she look up at him and he seen the fear in her eyes, he sighed seating next to her just to reassure her everything would be alright

" You alright?" He ask searching her face for anything

" I'm fine" she said smiling a little.

He clenched his jaw when he heard something of his fell on the floor and broke

" Ima kill one of they ass" he whispered low enough for paris to hear

Paris couldn't help but laugh but she knew he was serious " Don't please" she said laying her back on his chest

After a whole hour of searching through his house the chief police and the rest of the cops gather in the front of the house whispering something and then they started walking towards king

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