Chapter Two

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I got to school extra early the following morning so that I could get a park as far away from Vanessa and her clique as possible. Ryder walked into homeroom just as the bell rang. "You really need to work on your punctuality, Mr Stevens," Mr Timmins said. Ryder was never on time. Tardiness was one of characteristics. Lindsay walked in a few minutes later. "What's your excuse today?" Mr Timmins asked. Lindsay was never late but someone in the class usually was. Mr Timmins admitted that he enjoyed the reasons students came up with to describe their lateness. "I wasn't late, but a friend was. I had to pick her up." Lindsay shot Ryder a look that I don't think even he understood. She walked to the back of the room and took her seat next to Ryder. They began arguing, and curiosity got the better of me. I leant back in my chair and tried really hard to concentrate. "If you hadn't of bailed on her I wouldn't have been late," Lindsay whispered.

"It's not my fault," Ryder defended. "She has her own car. You didn't need to pick her up."

"Perhaps you could just keep picking her up like usual."

"Nope," Ryder whispered. "I'm done. You can be her new chauffer."

"Olivia Partridge," Mr Timmins called out.

"Huh?" I said. When I leant forward my chair smacked on the ground. Mr Timmins was holding a piece of paper. "The principle would like to see you," he said. The typical ooo's and ahh's then filled the classroom. I groaned as I grabbed my bag from the floor and headed out of the classroom. I sat in the waiting room until the principal's door opened. "Ah, Miss Partridge." Principal Samuels stroked his lack of facial hair like he was surprised that I was waiting outside of his office. I wanted to remind him that he had summoned me here, but I kept my lips sealed. "Take a seat," he instructed, gesturing me through the doorway. I sat on the flaking leather seats that had been in Principal Samuels's office since my freshmen year of high school. There was a rip in the leather that was digging into my thigh. I hoped it hadn't ripped my stockings. I made a mental note to check later. "A bystander notified me what happened in the parking lot after school yesterday afternoon." Principal Samuels leant back in his leather chair. His didn't appear to have any holes in it. "I can assure you that Miss Stirling will be reprimanded for her comments."

Wiping my sweaty palms on my skirt I met Principle Samuel's gaze. "That won't be necessary."

Furrowing his eyebrows, he cocked his head at me. "Olivia her comment was wrong on multiple levels." I knew his intentions were sincere and considerate but teachers always made situations worse once they interfered. Scolding Vanessa wouldn't make her stop, and it wouldn't make her sorry either. The bell chimed, filling the silence between us. Great. Now I was going to be late for class. "Honestly sir, I didn't tattle on Vanessa because it didn't upset me." First lie. "She's a bully, but I'll never let her get to me." Second lie. "But if she does I promise to let someone from the teaching faculty know." Third lie. Leaning forward, Principal Samuels rested his elbows on his desk. "I'm the principal of this school. So it's my job to be observant. I'm aware that you and Vanessa Stirling were very close. I remember summoning you into my office on her first day of school so that you could be a helpful guide." I could recall that day clearly. I had been excited to show the new girl around. Little did I know what our fate would be. "Just promise if the issue gets worse, you'll let me know," Principle Samuels spoke. I forced my mouth into a fake smile. "Promise."

"Good that." He leaned back in the chair, the tension leaving the room. "We have a new student today. And who am I to break tradition? Can you show him around? He should be finished with admissions and waiting in reception."

I picked my purse up from the ground and rose from the uncomfortable chair. From a quick glance, my stockings were still intact. "You got it. See you later."

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