CHAPTER 10 | who had sex?

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📎 A/N. Hello my lovelies. Thank you for being so patient. I hope to get back on track with my weekly posts. Lately, finding the time to write has been a bit of a challenge.

For those of you who don't know, depending on the size, it takes me between 12-15 hours to write a chapter. That is why writers on WattPad look forward to the votes. It gives us the reassurance that the effort to put the stories together was appreciated.

Take care... And don't forget to vote.

❤ ℳ

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Keira arose as the first light of daybreak rose over the horizon. After the events of the previous night, and their sudden relocation to Deacon's house—which turned out to be larger than the hotel they were staying in—she was unable to sleep and had finally given up all pretence of trying. 

She wandered over to the window and gazed out on the massive lawn and row of trees that hid the house from the main road. As expected, two men were patrolling the area. Ryker had left a small contingent of vampires to guard them while he returned to the search for the missing witches.

While they appreciated the gesture and extra security, both Keira and Dayna had taken no chances and had cast protection spells as soon as he left. As they were too fatigued to safeguard the entire building, only those rooms they would use were warded from intruders.

Marcus, unable to assist had taken himself off to bed, thankful that he no longer had to sleep on a hard floor. She was sure he was fast asleep before they had shielded the first room.

In the light of day, she wondered why they had bothered. The house had state of the art security and a contingent of burly armed vampires outside. Not spotting anything of concern, Keira dressed and made her way down to the kitchen. She wanted to be ready to go when Ryker returned. The sooner they got the names of the additional witches, the better. There was no telling how far the Order would go to try and flush them out.

As soon as word of the missing girls became public knowledge, Deacon had rounded up the rest of what they knew of the coven and taken on the role of protector until the morning.

Keira had just made herself a second cup of tea when she noticed Ryker's sheriff's cruiser make its way up the driveway. A few minutes later she heard the distinct blips of the alarm being disengaged. Guessing he might appreciate a coffee, she grabbed another cup and began to pour from the pot she had put on for the others.

Without warning, she heard Ryker cry out, "What the fuck!"

This was quickly followed by the sound of the splintering of wood and glass as it smashed into pieces. Keira's gaze snapped to the candle on the windowsill which still burnt brightly. She closed her eyes and grimaced. "Damn."

A moment later the flame was blown out, and she raced towards the string of ear-stinging curses from the foyer. When she reached the front entrance, Keira discovered Ryker lying amongst the broken pieces of the hall table. Pieces of ceramic from the large urn which had, until recently, stood beside the antique centrepiece to the room lay strewn across the marbled floor. A pool of water trickled away from where he lay; the shattered fragments of the glass vase that had proudly displayed a stunning arrangement of flowers was unrecognisable as it's shards intermingled with the colourful and mutilated flora.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she rushed over to help him up.

Ryker looked up at her with a shocked expression. "What the hell just happened?"

The chaos increased exponentially when the front doors swung open, and two vampires skidded to a halt, poised ready to attack.

Keira froze. What if they think I did this?

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