CHAPTER 13 | witch's brew

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📎A/N. She's baaack.

Twice in one day! We need to stop meeting like this or people will talk! If you missed the notification of the previous chapter you'll probably need to read 12 first.

Hope you enjoy the chapter. It's another long one, so get your seat-belts on, and be prepared for a bumpy ride.

Don't forget to vote :)

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"Firemen," said Dayna with an excited squeal. "I love firemen! What time are we leaving?"

Keira rolled her eyes. Of course, that's the first thing her sister would come out with when the opportunity to be surrounded by men arose. However, she wasn't so eager to agree to Ryker's suggestion they all have a night out.

"Are you sure it's safe," she asked as she closed the Grimoire.

While there was a wealth of information contained within the pages, they hadn't found anything that might help them track down the members of the Order.

"The place will be full of Police, Fire, and Paramedics. Apart from here, it's probably the safest place to be," said Ryker.

Dayna crumpled her nose and glared at Keira. "Don't be such a party pooper. You're going, and that's final." She turned to Ryker. "So how many firemen did you say will be there?"

Despite her reservations, Keira found herself agreeing to go. It took Ryker a little longer to convince Deacon who had argued he had too much to do.

"Fiddlesticks," said Dayna, as she pouted at the vampire from her place on the couch. "All work and no play is not allowed while I'm here. Besides, if the local Hosers don't measure up, at least I know there'll be one man in the place."

Ryker and Marcus snorted in unison.

Ryker crossed his arms over his chest. "What am I? Chopped liver?"

Marcus nodded in agreement. "Remember which 'man' got you out of that shoe shop in one piece."

Dayna raised her hands in the air to stop their objections. "Boys, boys don't fight. There's more than enough of me to go around."

Kiera's sister twisted a strand of hair around her fingers, her expression absent as she grew silent. Her eyes cleared, and she jumped up from the chair. "What's the dress standard? I just hope I've brought something that pops."

Dayna headed towards the door. "Are you coming?" she asked Keira over her shoulder.

Confused, Keira asked, "What for?"

Her sister looked at her as if she'd grown an extra head. "To get changed of course."

Keira glanced down at her dark suit. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"We're having a night on the town, not the library." Dayna wrinkled her nose in distaste as she glared at Keira's clothes. "Now get your A into G and let's go."

Keira sighed and reluctantly trailed behind her sister. As she hadn't expected to be in Salem long, she really hadn't packed anything casual, and her gym gear might be a little too casual.

A short while late, Keira was standing over her suitcase, staring at the contents, when Dayna sashayed through the door with a bundle of clothes.

"Try these on," she said as she tossed them onto the bed.

Keira picked up the jeans and arched an eyebrow.

Dayna placed her hands on her hips and tapped a foot in agitation. "I'll have you know they're Stella McCartney, and I paid good money to have them ripped like that."

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