Chapter 3.

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Authors note: this story may not be my best, it's 5:45 AM & I have been trying to fall asleep for a while but I can't, sorry if its bad, ill make my next ones better.

I woke up to my little sister jumping on my bed screaming daddy's back. My dad has been in London for 1 month. He was doing research on something classified. I got up & walked in the kitchen to find mom cooking breakfast with dad sleeping on the couch. I wanted to hug him, but I knew the flight probably gave him jet lag. I missed him so much but I didn't tell Zach about him being gone, he doesn't know much about my personal life, he doesn't usually care that much. I took a shower, put my clothes & makeup on, then I walked to Zach's & his mom answered the door, she seemed in a hurry, so I asked her if anything was wrong. She said last night Zach had went to go get a late night snack & he fell & hit his head pretty hard, he is in surgery right now. I ran to my house & grabbed my phone & purse, and off we went. Apryll was driving pretty fast & I was kind of nervous. When we arrived, we learned Zach was in a coma & may not make it. I was trying to stay strong for Apryll but I couldn't. I started crying what seemed like oceans. I went in Zach's room & talked to him.

Zach, If anything happens to you, I just want you to know that I love you, you are always putting a smile on my face. It pains me so much to see you like this. Why you? Why did you have to eat all the time? (I chuckled after I said that.) You know I'm just joking. I love you so much. You make me so happy, Zach. Please don't die on me. Give me a sign. Give me a sign you love me too.

Zach's finger moved the slightest bit.

I cried tears of joy. The love of my life was alive. I didn't even realize what day it was. April 23rd. My birthday is tomorrow. Zach might not be there for my 17th birthday. Nevermind that, just appreciate this time together.
Zach's POV
I heard her.
I felt her.
I just couldn't see her.
Are chips really worth it?
Thats up for discussion. (laughs internally).
I will stay alive, for her. I will do anything for her. She's the girl I love. The girl I want to marry one day. She makes my stomach get butterflies. Falling in love is one thing, falling in love with your bestfriend? 10 times better.
Apryll's POV
*right after zach fell*
"Wha-What was that?"
I tried to shake Matt awake but he was in a deep sleep. I walked downstairs with one of Zach's old baseball bats. I screamed when I saw Zach was laying on the floor, his head gushing blood. I immediately dialed 911, then put pressure on the wound. The ambulance arrived & I decided I could do nothing at the hospital so I stayed home & went back to sleep so I could be awake all day with Zach. When I woke up, I got my stuff for the day & walked out the door. There was Bella. I wanted to say I had to go, but she seemed concerned, I told her everything & drove her to the hospital.
Doctor's POV
I don't think this kid is going to make it. I have to keep trying. He is only 17. He has his whole life to live. As I went to go change his IV, his eyes fluttered open. I called for the nurse to bring me some oxycotton to help with his pain. I also asked for some new bandages to replace his old ones. His mother was trying to come in. I had to get a guard to keep her out.
Zach's POV
As I woke up, all I thought was, "Where's Bella? Where am I? What happened?" I was terrified, then I heard someone scream. A scream only a person in great danger would scream.

It was Bella.

Sorry this was so abrupt but I thought this needed some "drama". I'm going to put my story's on a 600 word minimum to make these only the best for you guys. xoxo.

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