Chapter 7.

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The woman I have despised for the past year was 5 feet away from me.

I was so mad at Zach when I realized he was as just as surprised as I was.

"Mom, I can't right now. I am about to go on a date with Zach, leave. Find a hotel. We can talk tomorrow."
"Now is that any way to talk to your mother?"

Ha. My 'mother'? A mother doesn't abandon her child. Even if the child doesn't want to talk to her. She shouldn't have moved a month after our fight.

I ran inside the limo & Zach followed. Zach told the driver to go. He obeyed & 5 minutes later we arrived at Olive Garden.


He blushed. He knew Olive Garden was my favorite restaurant!

We ordered & ate.

We got in the limo & the driver drove us to Zach's house. His mom had a late shift at work, so we were home alone.

We sat on the couch and turned on The Vampire Diaries. He did the old, yawn-put my arm around her, trick. He leaned over and we started kissing, not far after, he started touching my thigh.

"Zach, stop."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you."
"I'm not ready Zach."
"I understand."

We finished a few episodes & he started to laugh.

"Just thinking."
"I'm a weird teenage boy. I didn't even wanna do it. I just thought you did."
"How does that make you wierd?"
"Because I'm a teenage boy & I don't wanna do 'it'."

I went home & my mom was sitting on the couch.


Sorry this chapter is very short. I'm super tired but someone suggested I write an update today. Much love, Ariana.

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