The start

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I was born 2003 27/6 . It was there it all begins
I was a tiny little girl with many problems I was born a month early and I couldn't breathe and my heart was open I could have been dead but I didn't stop fighting. many people say that it's because I'm stubborn that I didn't stop. but I was very close at giving up but I survived. I was in the hospital for so many days I think months because My breathing problems. so my mother was the only one I had my father left her before I was born I sometimes thinks that is my fault. but my mother and I had nothing she had no one to help her. We were almost alone we had my grandma but she didn't help so much as she could have. So I was in the hospital and my mother was there she was sick because I was born with a c section and the doctors forgot to clean her wounds. and there was a lot of many things that happened in the hospital like one time my mother couldn't find me because I got into a new room and she freaked out and almost yelled at the nurses because she thought something happened to me but then they told that I was in a new room and everything was well after that but then my mother and I needed to move...

______________________  Hi guys and girls hope you like it so far

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