Destination 4: Riverwalk Mall

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Annabeth POV

"So, how exactly does this thing work?" Hazel asked as Frank fumbled around with his phone.

"Simple. Hand me someone in your group's phone. My group is using mine, so we don't have to worry about that." I commanded as Will, Frank, Reyna, and Leo passed up their phones. I quickly pulled up the website and gave them back to the original person. "Now put in your team name. When I say go, we all move."

"I'll hold your phone." Percy said, grabbing it from me and putting in our team name.

"Nico!" Hazel complained. "You're making Frank misspell survivors!"

"Hand it over Leo." Piper commanded.

"Why?" Leo whined.

"Because I see you putting in what you want instead of what we agreed on. Now hand it over."

"Why did we decide to name us after a Pokémon GO team again?" Juniper asked.

"Because we couldn't think of anything else." Calypso reminded her.

"Right. I forgot."

"Leo!" Thalia yelled. "If you do not stop commenting on how hot I look, I will end you!"

"How can you even tell that I said that!?"

"Because we know you!" Reyna yelled back.

"Are you guys done yet?" Grover asked as Percy and I just started laughing.

Thalia and Leo looked red as everyone started laughing. Suddenly, Rachel's phone starter ringing. "It's Coach!"

"What do we do?" Frank asked.

"Well, we did sneak out without his permission." Jason said.

"Rachel, just tell him that we're at the French Quarter. We decided to get a headstart to let him sleep in." I commanded.

Rachel did as she was told and shortly got off of the phone. "We're clear to go. Coach is gonna sleep in."

"That's great! Now everyone, get ready, get set, go!"

"Here's the first question." Percy said, reading the text on my phone. "Go inside the Riverwalk mall and find the It's Sugar candy shop. Once there, count all of the gummy candy in the clear barrels and add it up. Once done, search Down in New Orleans, one of the first songs in Disney's The Princess and the Frog and search that number of lyrics. Write down that one word answer. Okay, what?"

I sighed. "Basically, it says to count the gummy candies in It's Sugar, and when you're done, search Down in New Orleans and count the same number of gummy candies in the store, to the number of song lyrics. Come on!"

We all ran to the candy store as I turned to Grover and Percy.

"What exactly are we gonna do now?" Grover asked.

I already had a plan forming in my head. "We are gonna divide and conquer! Percy, you count the candy on that side, I'll count the candy on this side, and Grover, you will search our song and keep track of the numbers. We in agreement?" They both nodded. "Ready, break!"

Percy and I flew around the barrels, counting the different gummies. "There's only two over here!"

"I count ten!"

"Okay, so, twelve barrels, twelfth word." Grover muttered. "Okay, so it looks like the twelfth word is river. Could it be referencing the Mississippi River?"

"It could be." I quickly typed river into the little box. "We got it!"

"What's next?" Grover asked.

"Find the statue of a British leader during World War 2. That's Winston Churchill, right?" Percy asked for confirmation. I nodded. "I believe I know what that is. Come on!"

Jason POV

"Where are they going?" Leo asked as we saw Percy, Annabeth, and Grover run out of the building.

"No clue." Piper said as I heard them talking.

"Come on! The statue is this way!" Percy yelled.

"Are you sure?" Annabeth asked, uncertain. "We've been running like this for hours!"

"I'm positive!" Percy said. "I remember exploring this part after our cemetery tour with Hazel."

"Why were you with Hazel?" Grover asked.

Percy shrugged. "Well, she wanted to get to level 5 on Pokémon GO, so I was helping her, and she joined my team."

Annabeth sighed. "We have another on Team Mystic?"

"Yeah. And this statue was one of the Poké Stops."

Grover sighed. "We're trusting you Percy, especially since we're on a time limit."

"And you two won't be disappointed! Trust me! Come on!"

Leo turned to us. "Should we stalk them?"

Piper looked surprised. "We are not stalking them! Look, Rachel really did tell Coach where we are! We're trying to distract Annabeth so he can set up the party at the World War 2 Museum!"

"What?" I asked, confused.

"It's a plan Rachel, Hazel, Nico, Frank, Thalia, Calypso, Juniper, and I came up with."

"And when were you gonna tell us?" Leo demanded.

"We purposely left you out of the picture to make the party seem more spontaneous! Now we're all delaying our starts for a while because we all decided to meet near the end point."

"Why near?" I asked.

"Because, oddly enough, the end point is the bar with the names on it."

"Famous Door? Really?"

Piper nodded. "Ironically enough, yes."

"That's the name of that weird bar? I never would've guessed." Leo said, sitting back.

"Leo, listen up. You are gonna help us find It's Sugar, or so help me gods I will choke you." I threatened as Leo jumped up.

"Calm down, okay?"

"Fine, don't judge me for wanting to come in second place." I said as Leo rolled his eyes.

"Sure you do."

"Leo Valdez, find It's Sugar." Piper said as I heard charmspeak dip into her voice.

Leo's eyes glazed over as he walked away.

"Sometimes, your power both scares me, and amazes me." I said, holding out my fist.

"I know." Piper said, giving me a fist bump. "Now we better catch up with Leo before he gets in trouble."

I sighed. "Good point. Leo! Where the heck did you go!?"

Leo poked his head around the corner. "I've been here the whole time. Calm down. Also, I found the candy store. Come on! Hazel, Frank, and Nico are already there!"

I sighed. "You both scare me and amaze me."

"I know. Now come on slow pokes!"

"Oh it is on! Jason, hold my cinch bag." Piper commanded, handing me her bag as she ran over Leo.

"Looks like I have no other choice but to follow." I muttered, quickly running after them.

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