Chapter 2

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I was in a field full of blooming flowers all extremely bright and vibrant. I was frolicking through it like a fish moving fluidly through the ocean. I came to the center of the field to find a huge orange flower covered in shimmering dew drops. I went up to it mesmerized by the beautiful colors. I stroked it gently like it was one of my own and it recoiled from my touch.

 I quickly pulled away as well, unsure of what had just happened. As I did, the petals started falling away and shriveling up to crisps. I was horrified that I had caused such harm to a beautiful plant. But to my surprise, my parents were inside of the flower. I was amazed at this and couldn't find any words to say. They didn't say anything either. 

I waved cautiously at them and they beckoned for me to come to them. I started walking but vines sprouted from my back entwining together forming nets. I looked back and the vines had been covered in beautiful golden flowers sparkling. They continued to grow then as the flowers disappeared slowly falling off petal by petal; a translucent skin covered the vines and made them melt away only leaving behind beautiful wings. Astonished I continued towards my parents, they were smiling happily at me.

"We told you we would come back," they both said. Then the sky went dark and the field became cold and snow blew and trees grew up all around me..

"What's happening? Help me!" I screamed. But I looked up at my parents only to see 2 pairs of empty fathomless eyes staring back at me. And then they were gone, and I was again alone.


           I woke up with a pounding headache and a dry sore throat. I sat straight up and looked around trying to figure out where I was; using all my strength to get my eyes to focus. I lay back down slowly making sure that I wouldn't make any noise.

I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm so that whoever had taken me wouldn't realize I was awake. But I'm sure who ever may be around could hear the hammering of my heart.  I tried to think of all the places that it could be. But the dark room offered now clues. It also didn't help that I hadn't left the orphanage in ten years. Everything was foreign to me.  

Suddenly I heard someone in another part of the house with what sounded like pots and pans. Before I could even stop myself I groaned from the noise which made my head throb even more than it already had been.

"Are you awake?" someone said from the other room. I froze, they had heard me, but how could they have? I barely made a noise. I didn't say a word and tried to hold my breath and keep still. I probably looked more like a log than the figure of a sleeping human.  Then I heard a door opening to the room I was in and light-flooded it as well as a strong smell of pine. 

 "Hey are you alright?" I didn't move from my position, I was pretending to be dead just so the person would leave me alone. The person walked right up next to the bedside and shook my shoulder just slightly, but not with force which surprised me. It was almost caressing me to make sure that nothing would happen to me; like I was fragile. I took a deep breath realizing that I had held it for so long I hadn't even noticed. He reached out again and I flinched back at the touch, immediately giving away my cover. I shot up and immediately balled my hands into fists ready to fight. 

"Woah, woah, take it easy there killer" 

The silhouette standing before me, had an eerily familiar voice. But I couldn't put my finger on it. Not backing down from my defensive stance I looked them up and down.

 I said shakily, "You can tell me where on earth I am!" I didn't realize how terrified was until my words came out less intimidating and more childish. But, he remained there, just so calm it was unnerving.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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