A school play

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Teacher : oh God, Yugi it's your turn now

Yugi : yes teacher.. **he started with his lines as the students admired him **
Yami * smiled and watched his friend acting **

Teacher **smiled brightly **well done yugi, Yami it's your turn now

Yugi ** blushed hard as he watched Yami acting with him **
Lunch break
Anzu :you two are always great at acting, the English Teacher always admired the acting skill in you two

Yami **chuckled deeply **: thank you Anzu, I hope both of us will do it **he looked at Yugi and smiled softly **

Yugi ** blushed deeply and stared at Yami's deep crimson eyes ** : ye-yes.. I hope too

Jounouchi **cleared his throat *: guys hello, we are here don't leave us in the dark side hiiii!!

Yami ** put his hand on his cheek and stared at Yugi ** : " I must.. I must admit.. That I fell in love with you "

Yugi **blushed different shades of red and stared at Yami reciting the lines for him ** : I.. Yami..

Yami * chuckled deeply and stared at him ** : did you remember your lines?

Yugi **blushed **: eh? What do you mean by that?

Yami **smiled softly **: I was seeing you having problems with this part, so I kinda...

Yugi **blushed and thought ** ((he.. Actually... Noticed that... ))

Yami *chuckled * : are you okay darling ?

Yugi **blushed deeply **: yami.. Thank you **he hugged the tri-haired teen tightly **

Yami **smiled softening his eyes at the chibi he had in his arms ** : anything for you..my little angel

Jounouchi **sweat drops **: guys? Nyeh. . Hello?? Don't leave us in the dark demenstion

Yami and Yugi **snapped out of it and looked at Jounouchi ** : oh.. Yes jou?

Jounouchi : nyeh.. Never mind **sweat drops **

Anzu : anyways, the festival is only after two days will you manage to recite your lines?

Yami ** nodded ** : we will, we practice at Yugi's house everyday after school

Honda : oh yea, I kinda watch you guys walking to Yugi's house after school

Yami **smiled **: yes, we do

Honda : good luck you two

Yugi : thank you Honda

Jounouchi **grinned **: show them who you are on Friday!

Yami : definitely jounouchi

Game shop
<<Yugi and Yami stayed all the night reciting the play and the lines for the festival >>

Yami ** laid on Yugi's bed tired ** : wow. . I am warned out..

Yugi : good work Yami-Kun, I will bring something to eat

Yami: Ice-cream please Yugi-chan

Yugi : Alright Yami-kun

Yami ** ate the ice-cream in silence ** Yugi * was eating and watching tv **
Yami : Yugi-chan.. I want.. To say something for you..
Yugi * nodded * : you can say anything to me Yami-kun
Yami : do... You remember our promise.. Under the tree...
Yugi : yes, I do ..
Yami : I love you yugi..
Yugi ** looked at his friend in shock ** : w-what..

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