The dining hall.

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Flaca, maritza, Daya, Gloria, Aleida, and Maria are sat at their usual table in the dining room. As usual Flaca and Maritza are chatting away happily. The other girls listening in to their amusing conversation as usual, but without making it obvious.
Flaca: "okay. Gun to your head, do you, run a little old lady or drive yourself into a wall?"
Maritza looks deep in thought for a moment before she asked "how old is the old lady?"
Flaca thinks for a moment, takes a deep breath and exhales "76" changing her mind quickly she then says "no, 72"
Maritza fires back with another question straight away. "How's her health?"
Flaca ready for that questions like its someone she knows says "Yano she's been better, but she's all there in her head"
Maritza then looks straight at Flaca "I think I'd run her down"
Flaca smiles "me to"

Without the girls knowing the guard CO Humphs casually walks up behind them and starts listening to the girls conversation.

Maritza then speaks up "gun to your head would you eat 10 dead flys"
"Eugghh" Flaca interrupts, but Maritza continues unfazed "or a little baby mouse?"
Flaca grins "flies for sure"
Maritza is shocked not expecting that answer "what! Gross! The wings would stick to your tongue and tonsils and everything!"
Flaca then says "yea, but at least it won't be wriggling no more"
The other girls are amused at their conversation but show no signs that they're listening in. You can only tell by the slight curve on some of the girls lips who are suppressing giggles from escaping.
Maritza flicks her hair over her shoulder "that baby mouse is like a big jelly bean. I would just swallow it whole"
Flaca hears CO Humphs' radio go off and glances over her shoulder before looking straight back in front of her. She whispers, but purposefully loud enough for the CO to hear her "fly's on the wall"
Maritza turns to look at him. Dread consuming her. The other girls at the table noticed a change in her demeanour but knew now was not the time to address it.
CO Humphs speaks to Flaca but without taking his eyes of Maritza "hey, watch out for that one. She's more than meets the eye"
Flaca turns to look up at him unimpressed that he's talking about her girl like that and fires back in a cocky voice "hmm. No. I don't know about that. I mean, we've been friends for a long time" happy with her answer she smiles at Maritza, noticing the uneasy look on her face.
The other girls at the table are looking at each other with concern between glancing at Maritza and trying to figure out if any of them know what the CO is talking about and how the CO seems to know Maritza, and more importantly, what's going on between them.
Flaca then adds on "I mean as far as I can see it's pretty much all right here"
CO Humphs speaks back to Flaca but still hasn't taken his eyes off Maritza, staring her down "hmm, I guess you don't know her like I do"
Whilst Marotza is still staring down at the table, clearly uncomfortable with his presence, CO Humphs leans down and whispers something in the young girls ear. Maritza visibly flinches when he gets close to her.The exchange not going unnoticed by the other girls at the table. Once he realises Maritza is not going to retaliate he walks off.
Flaca, Daya, Gloria, Aleida, and Maria all turn their full attention to Maritza. The young girl is still staring at the table and looks like she's going to break down at any moment.
Flaca can't take how upset her friend looks any longer and reaches up to put a comforting hand on her arm. Maritza flinches, shakes her head no, and then gets up from the table with her tray full of food untouched, mumbles somethings about van duty, dumps her tray in the closest bin and then rushes out of the dining room.
Their is silence at their table whilst all the girls are trying to process what just happened, but the silence doesn't last for long as big boo chooses that moment to walk up to their table.

Orange is the new black - Maritza abuseWhere stories live. Discover now