A dream is a wish your heart makes - complete

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It was Oscar night a few weeks ago, and my overactive imagination came up with this minific. Enjoy!

It was a very nice day, the sun was shining and the sky was blue. It was a very good day. But one young man was feeling blue. Why was he feeling like that? He had his whole life in front of him, he was a successful actor, he had a beautiful woman in his life...He should've been the happiest man on earth...But...

- Terry? Said a woman's voice, are you ok?

- I'm fine Susanna...

- You should be happier..., she said

- Why?

- Because you've been nominated for an Oscar for best actor...

- Hum...

- And then, we could finally get married...

- Married?

- Yes Terry, we've been engaged since like, forever...

- Isn't that what you wanted when I broke up with Candy?

- Yes, but...

- You've got your wish; I broke up with the woman I love...but I'm never going to love you...

- Could you be more cold and indifferent?

- Susanna, I'm grateful you saved my life... but sometimes, I wish you had let me take my chances...

- You might have died...

- I know...I'm dead anyway without Candy...

- Oh, you had to break up with the love of your life? Said Susanna ironically, booh freaking ooh! Get over it already!

- You wish, don't you? I will never get over her, and I will never love you!

- I love you Terry... I lost my leg for you! I'm beautiful, why don't you want me? She said with tears of rage

He got out of the room to go to the washroom. Susanna stayed there fuming. Nothing was happening like she had hoped! She thought he would've been like other men and take advantage of a beautiful hot body amputated or not... especially since that's all she was waiting for...But aside when he was drunk and he called her "Candy", she would never manage to get him in bed. She couldn't believe that insipid blond nurse had so much power over Terry! But Terry was with her, he was engaged to her and they will be married... he had to, she lost her leg for him... but was it worth it? All she got was indifference and coldness.

Terry got out of the room to go have lunch downstairs. He wanted to order room service, but he didn't really want to see Susanna. The hotel was crawling with celebrities and reporters from all over the world. They had all came for Hollywood's biggest night; the Academy Awards. Terrence Grandchester was nominated for best actor in a leading role... he met other fellow actors and they had lunch together. Since the hotel was very busy, a lot of fans wanted to catch a glimpse of their favourite celebrities, so the security was more intense than usual.

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