Chapter 13: Reclaim

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~Source used is External Link~

These are troubled times. The already uneasy alliance between the Crown and its subjects frays. And behind them both the Templars plot, pulling strings and moving pieces. History dictates they seek order through control. But how will they affect it here? Who supports them? And what conspiracies have they already spun? All these things I must determine, for only by knowing my enemy can I hope to stop them. 

-Connor, 1773

"Are you ready?" You let out a hearty laugh as Connor braced himself. You took a deep breath, and then ran towards him with his own tomahawk. You were closing in on full speed, until your foot had met an imperfection within the floorboards, and you had tripped and fell, bringing Connor down with you. "Bloody hell." You murmured, staring back at the hole in the floor and your leg. Connor cleared his throat, and you had looked to see that you had fallen right on top of him- surely a fine way to start the day. Note the sarcasm.

You began laughing lightheartedly, as footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. You stood up, and helped Connor up as well, then examined your ankle. Achilles had made his way downstairs, and you noticed he had a rope in his hands. 

"Connor. Spare a moment?" 

"Of course." He made his way toward the old man.

"Have a look." Achilles extended the distance between his arms to show what it was that he was holding.

"What is it?" He gave it to Connor, who had one end of it in one hand and began swinging it with the other.

"A Sheng Biao - or rope dart, if you prefer. One of the many plans given to us by Shao Jun to -"

Connor had released the dart with one hand, so that it hit and pierced one of the weapons racks. You began to chuckle as Achilles sighed.

"Sorry." Connor said.

"Hmmm. We'll have to work on this." Achilles said, with a slight smile. 

Someone knocked on the front door. Connor went up to go see whoever it was, as Achilles walked towards you, in your sitting position. 

"You might want to get that fixed." You said, gesturing toward the hole in the floor where you had tripped.

"Is your ankle okay?" He said, as he bent down to look at the floor.

You began to fiddle with the orientation of your foot. "It should be fine. Just a little-" Your ankle made a crack sound. You blinked a few times at the unexpected, although brief, pain. "Yes, Achilles, I'm fine." 

Both you and Achilles stood up, walking upstairs to see who it was that was at the door. One of Connor's native friends was there, talking with him. 

"Men came, claiming we had to leave. They said that the land was being sold and that the Confederacy had consented. We sent an envoy, but they would not listen." Connor looked a little distressed at his friend's news.

"You must refuse!"

" We cannot oppose the sachem. But you are right as well. We cannot give up our home."

"You have a name? Do you know who is responsible?"

"He is called William Johnson." You and Achilles exchanged looks. This didn't sound good.

"Where is Johnson now?" Connor asked in a serious tone.

"In Boston, making preparations for the sale."

"Sale? This is theft."

"Connor, take care. These men are powerful." Achilles added. He seemed a little worried for him.  You couldn't blame him. Whenever Connor was riled up over something, his intentions were usually clear and inevitable.

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