Bonus Number One

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A/n Teehee I had fun with this one >:3  I really don't know what to call this... But still... Enjoy!

You groaned as you sat up from Tsukiyama's bed.

"Ugh..." you thought, "What happened...?"

You looked to you left to see Tsukiyama sleeping soundly. You smiled as you put your hand on his cheek and caressing it. You watched as he leaned his head into your hand. Sighing, you got out of bed... And almost fell over. Grabbing the bedframe, you held yourself up.

"What the heck?" you thought, holding onto the frame, "Why can't I walk, heck, stand?!"

You then looked down at yourself. The room may have been dark, but the tiny light peeking through the curtains of Tsukiyama's room gave you enough light to see yourself.

"WHY THE HECK AM I NAKED?!" you mentally screamed.

A flashback ran through you head.

Tsukiyama invited you to a night out. The both of you went out to kill/stalk prey and the both of you were successful. After having your hunted prey for dinner, Tsukiyama took you to his mansion. Since you and your clothes were all bloody, you had to change. Being the 'always-ready-for-everything' person you are, you came prepared and brought an extra set of clothing. You told Tsukiyama that you were going to use the bathroom first and he let you do so.

Once you were in the bathroom, you began to change. Tsukiyama, being the creep he is, opened the door just a peek so he could see you. You and Tsukiyama have been in a relationship for a while, but you haven't stepped it up a tier. Because you guys haven't stepped it up a tier, Tsukiyama began to get a little frisky, made kisses more heated, and acted more 'strange.' Tonight was his last stand, he absolutely could not take it anymore.

You pulled off your blouse as well as your skirt, all the while Tsukiyama was staring at you. Not to mention his junior was getting excited too...

"Oh shoot..." you thought, "Where did I put my brush?"

You looked around the sink counter, looking for your brush, only in your underwear.

"Oh! Maybe it's in my bag!"

You then turned around, not noticing Tsukiyama, and scanned through your bag that was sitting on a chair near the door. Let's just say that Tsukiyama had a great view of your front...

"Here it is!" you said to yourself.

Turning around, and giving Tsukiyama the perfect view of your butt, you walked back to the sink and mirror. Looking at your self in the mirror, you began to brush you hair, humming in the process. Once you were done, you took a few steps back from the mirror and sink so you could see most of your body. Sighing, you looked down and wrapped your arms around your stomach, hugging it insecurely. Tsukiyama took notice of your different behavior and watched curiously.

"Stupid ghoul hunger..." you mumbled, "You are eating way too much human flesh (y/n)... You gotta cut down..."

Tsukiyama's eyes widened as you spoke. You pulled out the weighing scale from under the sink. Stepping on the scale, you watched the number go up. Once you saw the number the scale displayed, you buried your face in your hands.

"You gained two pounds, (y/n)! TWO POUNDS!" you yelled at yourself, "If you keep on going this way you're going to be overweight! You idiot!"

Tsukiyama couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was a whole new side of you that he never saw before. Then again, he did recall you sometimes insisting not to eat what was served to you...

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