Prologue: When Everything Changed

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Elsie's POV

Life was perfect. Everything was great. I had a loving mother and the best dad in the world. I did well in school. I was surrounded by my family. What could go wrong?... That day went wrong. I was 8 years old at the time and Daddy was doing an undercover job at his work. He was a Detective First Grade for the NYPD and I couldn't be any prouder of him. One day, I wanted to follow in his footsteps. It was a Sunday and as always, we sat at Reagan family dinner. That is correct, I am a Reagan. I live in a family of Cops and law enforcement. Sitting around the table was Grandpa or should I say "Commissioner Frank Reagan." He basically runs the police department. Then there is his predecessor, Henry Reagan, otherwise known as Pop. Then we have my Uncle Danny, the eldest of the four Reagan children who is also a Detective and someone I can trust as much as Daddy although he can seem rough around the edges. Aunt Erin is second oldest and Grandpa's only daughter. Instead of continuing the family legacy, she became a lawyer, not that the rest complained. They knew it was a dangerous job to be in the police force. Then there's Uncle Jamie, the youngest Son of Frank who was just finishing studying in Harvard Law. He is always there when I need him and acts a lot like Daddy. Next to Uncle Danny is Aunt Linda, his wife and a Nurse. She would always cheer me up and treated me like a daughter. Next to them are my two cousins Jack and Sean. Jack is the same age as me and basically my best friend and Sean is younger but I love him the same. Nicky, my older cousin, sat next to her mom, Aunt Erin. She was like a big sister and we had a girly night once a month, even though neither of us are that girly. And finally, next to me was my Mommy, Sophie Reagan (previously Stuart). She cared for me and Daddy more than anything in the world. I'm Elsie Reagan, daughter of Detective Joe Reagan.

Dad wasn't able to join us because of his undercover job but he said he finally found a lead and would be back by next week. But he wasn't. We talked about normal stuff such as work and school, everything seemed great... And then, there was the phone call. Mommy's phone began to ring and she excused herself from the table, standing in the doorway behind Pop. "Hello?... Yes, this is Sophie Reagan... I'm sorry, what?..." She didn't say anymore. She put her hand to her mouth before she fainted. "Mommy?!" I ran to her side and shook her shoulders. Uncle Danny and Uncle Jamie rushed over to carry her to the sun room where they lay her down on the couch. Grandpa pickup the phone from the floor as the person was still on the line. "This is Commissioner Reagan, may I ask what you just told Mrs Reagan?... Oh no... Um, thank you for informing us, we will visit tomorrow." Grandpa's face was pale, he looked to be in shock. "Grandpa, what's wrong?" He looked at me with sadness in his eyes but he wouldn't let the tears he so desperately wanted to shed show. "Um, kids, why don't you go play outside." "Okay, Grandpa." We spoke in unison. Jack, Sean, Nicky and I went outside and decided to play catch but then I remembered the baseball Daddy gave me was inside. "I'm just going to get my baseball." I ran back inside and searched for it, then I remember I put it in Mommy's purse for safe keeping. I got the bag at the front door and took the baseball.

As I left, I passed the dinning room door. "Dad, what are talking about? He can't be." Aunt Erin's spoke in a horse voice. What happened. "I shouldn't have let him join. I'm responsible for this." Grandpa's voice was choked up. "No, Dad. If it was anyone's fault, it's mine. He was my kid brother." Uncle Danny could barely get the words out which scared me most. He's never like this. Wait he calls Dad and Uncle Jamie kid brother. What does he mean by was?... No, please no... "Joe can't be gone, he's one of the best there is!" Uncle Jamie denied it but he knew it was true. I heard Aunt Linda's soft sobs, or maybe it was my own. I'm not stupid. "We're going to the morgue tomorrow to... identify the body and we'll arrange the funeral." Grandpa's voice cracked as he spoke and I came into the room at that moment, eyes red and tear tracks down my face. "Elsie, I thought you went outside." Uncle Danny noticed me first with a pale face. "What do you mean Daddy's gone?! What do you mean funeral?!" "Angel, we're sorry you had to find out like that but Daddy's-" I cut off Pop which isn't like me. "No! Daddy's not dead! He'll come back next week like he promised! You're lying!" I ran upstairs and bolted the bathroom door. I slid down the side of the door with all of my tears dripping down my face. I didn't want to believe it but I knew it was true. Daddy wasn't coming back. My heart was broken, he was the one I looked up to most. He played with me, cared for me, always made sure I was safe. But that was gone now. There was a knock on the door and then I heard Uncle Jamie's soft voice, "Elsie sweetheart, please open up." I couldn't help it, I needed him. I unlocked the door and he walked in to see me hugging my legs. "Hey monkey, I'm sorry." He sat next to me and sat me on his lap as I cried into his chest. "Shh shh, it's okay, I've got you." He rubbed my back as I cried and we sat there in silence as he waited for me to calm down. "I miss Daddy." I whispered. "I know sweetheart, I miss him too."

~~~~~A week later~~~~~

The funeral was quiet. There were lots of people but it was quiet. Daddy's colleagues, friends and the whole family, including distant relations were all there. It was an open casket so we could say goodbye one last time. Mommy couldn't even look at him. She had been different since she heard the news. She wouldn't even look at me. I think I reminded her too much of him but she just wanted to forget. After the ceremony and the will was read, we went back to Grandpa's house. Where we sat in silence drinking beers and us kids drank juice. And then things got worse. "Elsie and I are moving back to Indiana." We all turned to my mother. "What?!" We all asked in unison. "But Mommy, I don't want to leave! What about  school? What about my friends?" "You can make new friends and you'll go to a school in Indiana." She argued back but her soft demeanour was gone with Daddy. "So what, you want to take her away from her family?!" Uncle Danny wasn't happy with this. "I don't want my daughter to grow up as a Reagan! She isn't going to be brainwashed into the police department like the rest of you!" "But I'm not brain washed, I want to be a detective Mommy!" She looked furious at my words.

She grabbed my arm tight and began to drag me out. "Come on, we're leaving!" "Hey, you can't just take her away! I'm her Godfather, I should get some say in this!" Uncle Danny continued to shout. "Well, I'm her mother and I get the final say in the matter!" Mommy screamed at him. "Mommy, please! At least let me say goodbye!" She stopped at that and growled, "Fine but make it quick." I ran back to my family and hugged them. "Do I really need to go?" I asked, tears brimming my eyes once again. "Sorry Elsie, but your mother is right. She gets the final say in what you do." Aunt Erin said softly. I knew she was right, being a lawyer and all. "But I don't want to loose you too." Tear tracks ran down my face as I spoke. "Don't worry monkey, you'll see us again one day, promise." Uncle Jamie reassured me. I hugged them all individually and I gave Jack the biggest since he was taking this the hardest. "Hey kid. If you ever need help, just give us a call, got it? Us Reagans have to look out for each other." Uncle Danny whispered to me and I nodded with a sniff. Once we said our goodbyes, Mommy took me back home where we packed our stuff and we flew to Indiana the next morning.

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